Schwing! Wayne's World T Shirt Wayne's World Schwing! T Shirt

She tested very high on the Strokability Scale

This Schwing! T Shirt, made famous by Wayne Campbell & Garth Algar on their Public Access Television Cable TV Show - Wayne’s World, is a one of kind screen printed with AMC Pacer Blue ink and available only at JuiceBox Teez.


Wayne's World Schwing

Schwing! is something that you do when you see a major babe and she tests very high on the Strokability Scale. It is something you cannot control, it just happens naturally - Schwing! is also the sound a sword makes when it's being unsheathed - Schwing! The similarities are striking.

Wayne Campbell Schwing

Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar are a couple of schwingers that did lots of schwinging in Wayne’s World and so did all the kids who were quoting the movie back when it came out in 1992 including yours truly. Party Time! Excellent!

Schwing Garth Algar

Benjamin is nobody's friend. If Benjamin were an ice cream flavor, he'd be Pralines and Dick. Benjamin Kane probably is unable to schwing. I wonder if there is a Schwing 'n Cream ice cream flavor? Yeah, I just went there.

Wayne's World Benjamin Rob Lowe

Between the first Wayne's World and Wayne's World 2 it's hard for me to pick a favorite. Who knows, maybe Mike Myers and Dana Carvey will do Wayne's World 3... Shyeah, right and monkeys might fly out of my butt!

Get this Schwing T Shirt, it would go great with a Wayne's World hat.

Are you worthy or are you mental? Regardless, check out my other excellent Wayne's World T Shirts and Party On!