10 Colors of EL wire:Pink, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Green,Red, White, ice-blue,fluorescent-Green,purple for choosing

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Description :

This is what the LED Guy Fawkes Mask signifies. A burning desire to rebel, for the good of the people. Strength in numbers. Strength in anonymity. When the lights go off, and the EL Wire emblazons what many know as the Light Up V For Vendetta Mask, there is no solace in the darkness. Not when the light is coming.
Turn Neon uses only the best possible raw materials to deliver customer satisfaction, holding to its lofty ideal as the best light up apparel line, period. The battery pack clips anywhere as you promote anarchy through your dance and through your personality. Be one with the ideal. Turn Neon.
- Be one with the ideal
- Bright lights. Anonymity. Rebel against the mainstream
- 2 AA Battery used for hours of entertainment
- Battery pack clips anywhere, conveniently!
Package included:

1 X Guy Fawkes EL wire Mask with 3V battery case (no battery)

EL mask-1EL mask
EL mask-2EL mask-3




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