
Name: Chayote

Quantity: 1 squash fruit 

Condition: Whole fruit with germinated as picture

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ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ ฟักแม้ว

Chayote , a relative of the cucumber and squash, is native to Mexico and South America.

It requires a long, warm growing season and does best when grown within zones 8 through 11.

Chayote, a pear-shaped vegetable, grows on an aggressive vine that requires support.

Unlike most seeds, chayotes germinate while inside the fruit.

Ready to harvest 150 days after planting, treat chayote as you would a summer squash, by frying it, steaming or including it in salads.

Begin the planting process in late fall.

Planting instructions included with purchase

Full sun

