3D Nautilus shell X-Ray fossil Watch - LED light + dimensional 3D Lithophane dial

This watch must be seen to be believed. Guaranteed money back if you are not amazed by the effect. You will get constant questions about the watch and people will just say "WOW" when the light is activated and the dial morphs to 3D. Nautilus shell design (the Divine Proportion) with LED light. 

See a video of this watch and some of the other designs - http://www.youtube.com/user/idesignx/videos

The dial comes to life in 3-D when the side-pusher is activated. The watch features a 3-D art dial + LED light + after-glo effect. The lighted 3D dial is bright enough to act as a mini flashlight. Truly beautiful!


The skeletal fossil of a Nautilus shell in “divine proportion” celebrates the endless patterns in nature that are expressed mathematically as PHI. Communicated here in the delicately repeating and descending pattern of the chambered nautilus shell. On the back of the watch is an engraving of the greek symbol for PHI and a quotation by Johannes Kepler “Where there is matter, there is Geometry” (UPC # 721065091016)


-        42mm dia case in 316L Stainless Steel

-        HaloTech 3-D illuminated dial with LED light

-        Magnifying dome crystal

-        Packaged in reusable gift tin

This watch is available in many different designs - CHECK OUT my eBAY Store - http://stores.ebay.com/Science-Watches

Unique merchandise and Great deals on fashion, surf, art, celestial, limited edition, collectible, novelty, LED, lithophane, astronomy, binary, astrodea, planisphere, history, science and other unique theme watches and accessories.