Many diet tea's use one or a number of herbs that are proven to speed up the body's metabolism. Cho-Yung is one such tea that contains oolong tea along with a vast number of the finest traditional herbs and plants to help purify the body’s cells and support the essential organs, working in synergy to boost your metabolism. It also has the capability to relieve that bloated feeling as well as reducing your blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels, making the product an all-encompassing health item.
Just some of the benefits of drinking Cho Yung Tea below.
>Diabetes – Green tea can help regulate body glucose levels, potentially preventing high insulin levels.
>Weight Loss – Green tea is known to increase body metabolism. The polyphenol, found in green tea can intensify the levels of fat oxidation and the rate at which your body can turn food into calories.
>Skincare – Green tea can help prevent wrinkles and other forms of aging, due to the antioxidant properties in Green Tea.
> Heart Disease – Scientists believe that green tea has relaxing properties, affecting the lining of blood vessels, helping keep them relaxed and more able to withstand changes in blood pressure.
> Cholesterol – Green tea can reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and improve the ratio of good to bad cholesterol.
> Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s – Green Tea is said to help delay the deterioration caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
> Tooth Decay – Studies have suggested that catechin in green tea can destroy bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections, dental caries and other dental conditions.
By drinking two cups of tea a day you can be well on the way to a happier, healthier, slimmer life!