Rlc Melania Trump

Presenting Rlc Melania Trump!

In 1929, a tradition began with Mrs. Herbert Hoover in which U.S. First Ladies had Cattleya orchids named after them. At that time, corsages were at their peak of fashion and women everywhere wore orchids to glamorous events. Fifty years later, public interest in orchids started changing from cut flowers to potted plants and, today, orchids are the #1 houseplant having recently overtaken poinsettias, chrysanthemums, and African violets.

Well grown Planted in 8" pot. Blooming as of 1/8/2016

By now, you realize that I sell some pretty cool stuff. not teenie seedlings and divisions. this is stuff that you WANT in your collection and don't want to wait for it to look cool. Always new stuff, always happy customers, always fun at Machiela's Orchids!

If your plant is described as in bud or bloom, please know that we will do our best to get the flower to you intact. We, of course cannot guarantee live flowers on delivery. That would be impossible! Your best bet is to assume you are buying an orchid PLANT..... not a flower. That way, no one will be disappointed.  I personally hand pick the best plants to offer up to the eBay community for you to enjoy. Check my feedback & see. I have been an orchid seller on eBay since 1998. 

Machiela's Orchids is proud of a history of growing and selling healthy plants. Our goal is to satisfy you! If you are not satisfied, we are not satisfied. Simply email us and we will do everything possible to make you happy. If there is an issue with your order, please contact us within 48 hours for resolution.

$10 USPS Priority

I try to make my shipping charges as close to actual as possible. Email me when you are ready to check out and I will give you an invoice for the total. I do not use heat packs, they can cause more damage than not. Email me if you would like more information. 

Wondering how to care for your new orchids? 

Check out our Care Sheets!