Savage Gear 3D Shine Glide Bait 7.25"!

Anglers can fish the Savage Gear 3D Shine Glider with any number of retrieval cadences and speeds. On a slow retrieve the bait glides from side to side in a methodical motion designed to present a very easy meal for nearby fish. The wide gliding action doesn't has the loud attention grabbing features of many lures instead it relies upon the subtlety of it's presence appealing to fish's lateral line senses that help them locate food. Often, when fishing glide baits, a quick pop of the rods tip or a few faster turns on the reel handle will be the key ingredient in turning followers into biters. Mix it up, find the right rhythm for the day and watch as you catch some of the biggest fish of your life. The best part about the Savage Gear 3D Shine Glider is that it's a big fish bait, but it's not so big in size that it limits smaller fish from biting as well. The two size options: 5.25" and 7.25" give anglers flexibility to fish a bait size they feel most comfortable with and the fish find most appealing.

Length: 7.25"
Weight: 2-1/3oz
Type: Slow Sinking


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