Excellent telephoto fast lens adapted to Canon EF mount, so it is compatible with Canon DSLRs. There is nothing protruding through the back so it is even compatible with full-frame Canon DSLRs.

It is a manual lens, but it is a pleasure to focus. The adapter has a chip which makes the camera beep when the image is in focus. Also you can install Magic Lantern to get focus peaking which shows you the areas that are in focus. Alternatively, you can use live view and zoom in to see if something is in focus. You can use the viewfinder if you have good eyesight :)

The lens has an M42 Mount and included is a high quality M42 to EOS adapter with Auto Focus Confirm. Thus you can use the adapter for other M42 Mount lenses. 

Also there are included a front metal cap, and leather case.

Condition Details:

Optics: 9.7/10 The glass is great. There are some tiny specs of dust inside but they do not affect the image at all.

Function: 10/10 Smooth focus, snappy aperture, feels very solid.

Cosmetics: 10/10 Near mint body

If you have any questions about how to use it or if you are not sure if manual lenses are for you contact me and we can discuss about anything.