You are bidding on a brand new NES Classic Edition Professionally modded with an additional 1,500+ games from the NES System and also includes "Best Of" SNES, Master System and Genesis systems and more!

Games from the following Systems:
- Gameboy
- Gameboy Color
- Gameboy Advance
- Sega Genesis
- Sega Master System
- Super Nintendo
- Hacked Roms by request 

Click HERE for game list!

Tecmo Superbowl 2017 is also included as can any other hacked roms like Luigi Bros, Zelda Master Quest etc. 

It was only taken out of the box to complete modification. I used my own controller and cables to insure the perfect quality of the item stays intact. This sweet system includes all 30 original games as well. Custom modification for a total of 1500+ games including the pre-loaded games.

Easy console reset from controller: custom modification so you can press "down" and "select" button on controller at the same time to reset the system instead of hitting the button on the console. Rapid fire feature: custom modification for "rapid fire" so you can press "select" and "a" or "select" and "b" to enable rapid fire. If you're using a Wii/Wii u classic controller, X and Y will automatically perform this function!

In order to completely enjoy SNES and GENESIS games, you will need a Wii Pro Controller or Wii Classic Controller.

** Per eBay rules, any additional games installed on this system are strictly to backup games that you already have, to the original games you own. You are paying only for the brand new console w/ ac adapter, HDMI cable, inserts, and micro USB cable and the modification service.