Paine's Balsam Fir Pure Vegetable Soap 6 oz bar
Fresh From The Maine Woods!
Beautifully scented with Balsam Fir organic soy-based fragrance oils and infused with ground Balsam Fir tips that gently exfoliate.  This handmade, pure-vegetable artisan soap is fragrant, creamy-soft and will leave your skin feeling fresh and moisturized.
made in Maine, USA.

Paine's incense is made in Auburn, Maine.

First, balsam branches are brought to us by local woodsmen, where they are then ground and dried. It is next pressed into incense molds and finally dried… That’s it! No chemicals are added to our incense, and is 100% natural and sustainable!

We also use the balsam in our pillows. We make souvenir pillows that are stuffed with the balsam fir. They are great as gifts, or an aromatic delight in a drawer, closet, or car.