
Rammellzee - Brainstorm

Vinyl 12" EP


Label:Gamma Proforma
Format:12" EP
Pressung:UK - Original
Sofort lieferbar.

Limited Edition Of 500 Copies Worldwide !
Rammellzee the legendary visual, graffiti and hip hop artist passed away in 2010, but before he left us he recorded his magnum opus, Cosmic Flush with producer Jonah Mociun. Unreleased, eight years have passed. The collection of breakcore and speed metal-influenced rap tracks stand as a futuristic relic which is just now about to see the light of day. Cosmic Flush fully realises Rammellzee's complex philosophy and unique vision of futuristic hip hop, apocalyptic science fiction, and extreme sonic exploration. To celebrate the life of one of hip-hop’s great minds Gamma Proforma are releasing Cosmic Flush as a commemorative series of limited edition 12” records (just 500 of each). There are 7 core tracks, each will be reinterpreted and remixed by a visual and audio artist. The works will also form part of an exhibition which will take place in New York & London. This release is Part 1 in the set, Brainstorm has been visually reinterpreted by Ian Kuali'i, a disciple of Rammellzee's inner circle, and remixed by Divine Styler who cites Rammellzee as one of his key influences.


A1.Brainstorm (Original)Jonah Mociu...
A2.Brainstorm (Inst)Jonah Mociu...
B1.Brainstorm (Divine Styler Remix)Jonah Mociu...
B2.Brainstorm (Divine Styler Remix ...Jonah Mociu...

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