Sony VPH-G90U brand new unit with one year FH Video spare part warranty $9500.00

Shipping in US by ground $450.00

International Shipping $1,450.00

Insurance $95.00


FH Video has purchased all remaining inventory of SONY VPH CRT Projectors, including VPH-G90U, VPH-1292Q, VPH-G70Q, VPH-D50HTU and VPH-M20U from Sony. Please contact us directly with any of your questions or purchasing needs. FH Video will continue to provide our excellent service with our great prices.

We have a showroom in our company with two of VPH-G90U setup side-by-side with HDMI HD-Fury input, connected to Dish Network, and a Blu-Ray player, projected onto a Stewart 150” screen. The Sony VPH-G90U is still the best CRT projector in the market that offer  1080P Native Resolution. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our showroom in San Francisco to experience and take pleasure in the extraordinary image and picture quality of VPH-G90U. Resolution.  (Both of VPH-G90U which is calibrated by a specialist Mr. Roger Galvin from USA )


請直接和我們聯絡有關購買等等事項,我們有講中文的職員爲您服務。 我們公司位於美國加州三藩市也就是舊金山,我們公司展覽廳有兩台VPH-G90U並列安裝,HDMI電線直接接收電視高清訊號和播放藍光碟再加上150英吋大銀幕和世界最頂級專家調校令到G90U播映出來的1080P全高清超自然視訊效果簡直無與倫比,傲視同群,王者之風盡顯,霸王之氣十足

我們真誠邀請尊貴的閣下和您的親友莅臨本中心體驗觀賞Sony最經典三槍機  VPH-G90U升級版現場直播 無以倫比的1080P超自然最新原版籃光電影和電視節目.本公司很榮幸再次聘請獨步天下的美國調機專家Mr.Roger Galvin 亲臨中国調試整套系統.
