SquareTrade Seal Member
SquareTrade Seal Member
SquareTrade © AP6.0
We specialize in providing hard drives for data recovery services. If the specifications of hard drive do not match what you want do not hesitate to ask, maybe we can have the drive you're looking for in stock, but have not put the sale on ebay.

Manufacturer: Samsung

Interface: IDE

Capacity: 40GB

Model: SP0411N


P/N: 352311AP144770         PL40


Date: 2007.01


30-day warranty.

The hard drive is sent in the same or next working day after the payment.

Shipping Information:

Normal Mail for Portugal 24h to 48h delivery - $6
Fedex express Europe - 24h to 48h delivery - $15
This price just include: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Greenland, Holland, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, United Kingdom, Sweden and Ireland.
For other European destinations or other shipping services please send a request for price.

Fedex express Rest of World - 24h to 48h delivery -
This price just include: Canada, USA and Mexico.
For other international destinations or other shipping services please send a request

I can send through the carrier of the buyer.

(Internal drive number: 2390)

SquareTrade © squaretrade warranty v2.0