Radians Orange Custom Molded Ear Plugs 10 Minute Easy Fit Comes with Carrying Case

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Easy, do-it-yourself kit, molds in 10 minutes. Dozens of everyday uses including shooting sports, sporting events, construction, lawn care, assembly lines, farming, auto races, swimming, flying, factories and much more!
Construction workers, you know how loud heavy machinery can get. With the lanyard attached its easy and convenient to keep your set around your neck ready for use at any time.
Shooting Sports, with this set of custom earplugs you can comfortably sight without earmuffs interfering with your angles.
Swimmers, while there are no guarantees, this set of earplugs can help prevent "swimmers ear". Radians Custom Molded Earplugs are safe in the water.
Motorcycle riders, You Harley Davidson riders out there, as much as you love to ride you know it gets pretty loud when a group gets together for a poker run. At 26 NRR rating, Radians Custom Molded Earplugs will protect your hearing while at the same time allowing you to hear what is going on around you.
Snoring, Unless you sleep flat on your back, there may be some discomfort just like any other set of earplugs.