LefreQue 33mm solid silver - appropriate for a solid silver flute and/or headjoint 

Watch compelling videos of players with and without lefreQue at their YouTube channel lefrequedoss.

Visit allisonkigermusic.com and lefreque.com for the most complete information about lefreQue.  LefreQue optimizes your instrument Although seemingly the simplest solution you could think of, the lefreQue is not just any old piece of scrap metal. The shape and material have been carefully selected and thought out, to obtain the best possible bridge between the instrument parts and to achieve a universal fit. Both are crucial to make possible uninterrupted sound production. Only a real lefreQue will guarantee the optimalisation of your instrument.

The missing link

 Sound is essential for every wind instrument. All instrument builders over the centuries have used their own recipes. In the past decennia there have been no revolutionary developments, until now: the invention of lefreQue. Two simple metal plates for more sound, more colour and more emotion. New fixation with one single band! lefreQue does not add but gives in return

 One uninterrupted sound body would be ideal for every wind instrument. But in practice that is impossible. With every sliding connection, every screwing point and every soldered tube you inevitably lose part of the produced sound. lefreQue will give back the sound to the instrument. Sound breaches repaired

 The lefreQue will repair the sound breaches that occur in every wind instrument.

 The greatest gain is to be had at the connection between the mouth piece and the rest of the instrument. But every further employment of a lefreQue at the other connections will also enhance the sound markedly.

 You will notice the difference immediately: the sound will be more complete and more in tune, the instrument will respond much quicker and the greater speed of the tone changes will be spectacular. Never again without

 The lefreQue will prove to be an indispensable addition for every wind instrument. The expertly chosen material and unique patented shape will enhance the sound quality and ease of play beyond imagination.

 lefreQue will make your instrument more complete as Emily Beynon, solo flutist of the Royal Concertgebouw attests: Within an hour I was completely convinced: I will never again play without lefreQue!

Sound bridge for wind instrument

The lefreQue is a seemingly simple sound bridge that will make a wind instrument sound better. It consists of a bridge that is built up by two metal elements that will repair the sound breaches that occur in by nature all wind instruments. You can put the lefreQue on an instrument using two especially developed elastic (silicone) bands, you do not need to change anything on the instrument itself.

Saxophone- and flute player Hans Kuijt at first invented the lefreQue for the saxophone being unsatisfied with the sound quality of even the very best instruments. He had the idea that is it more or less illogical to use cork as a link between the mouth pice of the sax and the rest of the instrument.

Cork is a material that does not pass on sound. You can use it to fit a mouth piece on to the instrument but at the same time, the properties of cork are such that it does not transmit the required sound to the instrument, it actually mutes sound. lefreQue solves this problem.

Not for saxophone only

Finding that the invention worked perfectly on all types of saxophone Hans decided to put the lefreQue on his flutes. On the flute there are no cork connctions but the lefreQue does the job in the same way essentially. On a flute you slide the pieces into each other, thereby effecting a sound breach, which again will be corrected by using the lefreQue.