2.4 Inch 320*240 TFT LCD Touch Screen HAT Display for Raspberry Pi 2/3/A+/B+

This is a 2.4” 320x240 TFT LCD Display HAT for the Raspberry Pi A+/B+/PI 2/PI 3. You may plug it directly on top of a Raspberry Pi and display the primary output which is normally sent to the HDMI or Composite output. It features an integrated Resistive Touch panel, enabling it to function with the Raspberry Pi without the need for a mouse.

Communication between this display and the Raspberry Pi is interfaced with a high speed 48Mhz SPI connection which features a customized DMA enabled kernel and utilizes an on-board processor for direct command interpretation and SPI communication compression.

It is powered directly off the Raspberry Pi's 40 Way Header, and the 2.4" Touch Screen allows effortless interaction with the Raspbian Operating System.



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