new from tonequest engineering is the most versatile switching system available for a standard 2 pickup telecaster.

want to add a little extra bite to your Telecaster then look no farther than this...

5 individual tones including series and parallel

standard Oak Grigsby 5 way switch with 0.01uf capacitor

CTS 250K Solid shaft volume pot with treble bleed mod.

CTS 250K Solid shaft tone pot with 0.047 capacitor 

Genuine switchkraft mono output jack

fender screw fixing chrome dome top control knobs 

fender heavy chrome control plate

fender vintage spec. push back cloth wire

Black barrel switch tip. or if you want a top hat switch tip please message me and i will change it.

switch setting for this kit are

1 Bridge

2 Bridge/Neck - Parallel

3 Neck

4 Neck with capacitor on the switch - less bottom end roll off

5 Bridge/Neck - Series

The K40Y-9 are high quality paper in oil capacitors made for military. The conductor is made of aluminum foil and the dielectric is oil saturated paper,

glass sealed in a metal body. These capacitors provide excellent sonic characteristics, high tolerance is kept within a wide temperature range.

Premium quality audio capacitor for use in a variety of high end applications - great for hifi and guitar amps. Considered by many to be the capacitor of choice in guitar tone circuits

PLEASE NOTE: if your neck pickup cover is metal you will need to add an extra ground wire to the cover. instructions are included to do this mod.

complete with full fitting instruction and all mounting hardware.

control cavity minimum space requirements for this kit are 35mm deep and 24mm width