Savage Worlds

Deadlands Reloaded

Stone and a Hard Place

komplett englisch

Angeboten wird der o.g. Abentuer- und Quellenband zum Rollenspielklassiker von Pinnacle dem Jahr 2015 für das Savage Worlds System.

Der Quellenband ist 158 Seiten stark, Hardcover.

Der Quellenband ist Neu.

The Sourcebook is new

Produktbeschreibung des Herstellers

Dead Men Walking!

Death rules this land. From the sun-scorched earth to the empty noose swaying in the skeletal branches of the hangman’s tree to the bloodstained buzzards circling overhead … the Wild Southwest thirsts for souls. Make sure it don’t get yours, partner. Matthew Cutter’s Stone and a Hard Place details the strange locales and odd characters of the American Southwest, provides new Edges and abilities to gussy up your Harrowed or hexslinger, new Setting Rules to emulate Death’s grip on the land, Savage Tales galore, a passel o’ terrifying abominations, and an epic Plot Point Campaign that pits a posse against Death’s red right hand—the one and only Stone!

Stone and a Hard Place requires the multiple-award winning Savage Worlds core rules and Deadlands Reloaded to play.

Verlag: Studio 2
Themengebiet: Deadlands: Reloaded
Kategorien: Rollenspiel
Zusatzinfo: Quellenbuch
EAN: 9781937013769
Erscheinungsdatum: 24.09.2015


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