TOPCON HIPER GDGPS:  L1 and L2  RTK rover with Legacy base. 

Comes with a 35 watt UHF Pacific Crest PDL radio.

Hiper GD rover and Legacy base are is 5HZ RTK rate, 4 mb internal memory.

Tested radio at 6000 feet on 35 watts. Radio range varies on site conditions.

Data collector is a TDS Ranger 200 with a new battery, operates Windows CE and come with Survey Pro 3.83, GPS and TS. 

Hiper has two internal batteries, "batteries last 8 hours".

Comes with cables to connect to a 12 volt base battery and chargers for the Hiper and data collector.

Legacy antenna has been repaired and is in used condition.

Hiper GD front panel has been replaced with a Hiper Plus miter panel and the charging light and radio light do not work with the Hiper GD.

NOT INCLUDED: Tripod, tribrach, adapter and Rover pole.


No returns.