The pictures are OLD, of the prototype, and will be better but close.

Hi there, my name is Bill Jensen, and I am a scientist, engineer, inventor, curious about things that cannot be explained, want make them repeatable by all, come up with a new theory about them, predict some new things that might be possible and do them, and be unselfish enough to share all this with the world and not keep it a secret.

Device needs 3 months fabrication time after your payment comes in.

I have invented a new electrically operating machine I call the "Patent Tesla Scalar Wave Detector." It can be used by nearly anyone to measure energy fields of a previously undetectable nature.  I think it best to present a little "magic show" video of this mysterious machine detecting impossible things to see if you are curious enough to continue and watch the more longer 3 videos that follow after, for skeptics. I recommend you see the short Intro video below first before you read down below prematurely and dismiss me as a crack-pot with outlandish claims. You probably need to be eased into this slowly:

UPDATE: link above refreshed, and has ALL the videos and stuff in there.

Did you see that video above?  Did you see anything out of the ordinary? Good things come to those who are patient.  Did you like the magic show? How did I and my new machine do it? Was it wind blowing? Was it electrical positive and negative charges? Was it north and south magnetic trickery? Was it hidden wires? Was it a hidden motor causing this mysterious motion in the detector? The following 3 videos are for the healthy skeptics who want to make sure we rule out as many means of fakery as possible, and I use scientific instruments where best employed.  I think the videos are about 2-3 times longer in duration, and can be found here:


Who am I, Bill Jensen...

I am a graduate of Mechanics and Materials Sciences (Crystal structure of matter) a Johns Hopkins University.  I also studied for 2+ years at Medical School of Virginia, but dropped out since I cant stand blood.

I have 3 geniuses to thank for my decades of work:

1. Dr. Thomas Galen Hieronymus, pioneer inventor of the 1949 patented device called the Hieronymus Machine. He died in the 1980's with a legacy of thousands of miraculous cures of terminal illnesses with his Healing machines. He kept all of his secrets of design and operation out of his patent and from the public. In an answer to my prayer, I was able to locate these secret files and prototype machines in an abandoned warehouse, languishing forgotten by his surviving widow after his death. For many years I have duplicated pretty much all of the different machines he invented, published fully disclosed all the secrets here on the internet, encouraged other replicators with great success, and sold my machine replicas with great success, and continue to do so here on Ebay: Analyzer and Anapathic Healing Machines.

2. Nikola, Nicola Tesla. Electrical visionary genius who around 1899 discovered his RF electromagnetic electronic apparatuses could be modified and tuned to generate another form of energy which could penetrate through thick metal plates, affect moods, light bulbs wirelessly, transmit power without diminuation over distance, propagate faster than the speed of light, be a medium for intelligent communication with some unknown intelligence, etc, etc.  Tesla decided to keep the special electronic - scalar generator and transduction method a secret even from his patents. He uses a simple icon to represent this component at the bottom his patent diagrams. Thus he was insured that no one could duplicate what he did. I was able to glean from the Colorado Spring Tesla notebooks, and 2 other means, the 4 main principles of this generator / transducer. I share these and much more in my Ebay ads gor my family of Tesla Scalar Wave generator / antennas here on Ebay.

3. Thomas Afilani of is my third genius inspiration. It is his mysteriously operatic treasure finding "powered dowsing rods" that allowed me to develop the only sensitive scalar wave detector that I know of. By applying what I had guesses about the generation, amplification, conduction, tuning, etc of scalar wave spectrum of energy, I at first modified the Regulator device of his, and finally I was able to get it to work for me!  nI let associates try the modified versions and they were about 10-100 times stronger in capability, sensitivity, and range. With this detector, I was able to both trial and error modified materials selection, wiring, electrical component and geoimetries to maximize the instruments sensitivity. The new Patent Scalar Wave Detector was developed, and its success with me and others was magnitides greater.

Like the Regulator and my Hieronymus Analyzer, both have a sample "well" where you place a scalar spectrum emitting material, amplify the signal with the dual stage scalar wave amplifier, and it projects along the axis of the swinging antenna. Apparently, it want to be aligned collinear as much as possible with other scalar spectrum emitters in the fiels, so you can find, specific crystals, metals. etc.

I remembered that my healing machines could target scalar energy with the use of a photograph in the well. I placed a photo of different people in my Patent Detector well, and the needle would swing to the location of where they were on the earth!

I also knew from my healing machine experience, that certain people operating the machines could think or pray for a healing, and that would intensify the healing probability, since its about 20% terminal illness success rate for some people.  Apparently, the operator has an effect on the operation of the machine. The machine and human are acting together.  At the patient, if they disbekieved they would get well by the machine, the machine could not transmit the healing scalar energy.  When the machine was demonstrated with open minded people, it worked good.  When it was tested by skeptics, that negating effect made it stop working.  Thomas also saw a similar thing happening.  It is know that users were finding meteorites, gems, metals, bones, etc. But it invariably failed in the presence of skeptical testing.

I tried something different as an experiment: What if I took all the stuff out of the input well, and injected some sort of thought into the machine of what I wanted to find, instead of relying on the weak scalar output of a sample in the well, would the antenna move at all?  The first thing I trued was thinking about finding gold. I tried visualisation, meditation, tensing, prayers, a cross, Lourdes water, etc. Nothing happened. It was like my skill a L dowsing brass rods, pendulums, and getting a stick reaction with my healing machines, I don't have any psychic ability innately. Bummer.

Then I went to a rock / mineral / gem store, and thought to myself with the detector, where is the strongest source of scalar radiation. Nothing happened for a little bit, but after thinking of different things and something like meditation, the antenna began to move on its own! It seemed to be weakly attracted to a certain direction. I swung the antenna the opposite way, and the antenna swung in that direction. Carefully watching the speed of the antenna, I began to intensify and tune what I was "doing" and in a matter of minutes, the attraction of the antenna was so strong, I was able to walk around the shop and it always pointed at a big black mineral in the shop. I moved it outside, and indeed that was the source of the strong attraction.  Others can do it too, and much more.

Its a rare mineral, expensive, but apparently in some crystalline forms of its copper and supher geometrical crystalline structure, a wildly strong natural emitter of scalar frequencies and energy, enough to give me the ability to operate the detector and gain a visual means of getting the psychic biofeedback to learn a new psychic ability! No secrets, it Covellite, the worlds first known naturally occurring superconductor.

Once I broke the barrier of subconsciously knowing how to generate scalar waves with my mind, I advanced to ever sensitive, targeted, distant subjects. Its a cool psychic feedback system that exists both in the material world, and spiritual world.


OK, don't know how to transition into the next part. I will just blurt out some findings and new capabilities, and experiments with the Patent Detector, and if people are interested, Ill make some movies for proof.  My Dropbox bandwidth is small, so If I can get a place to store them with links, Ill do it.  Email me.

Scalar Waves have been detected in magnitude, direction, polarity detector measurements to have certain New Physics laws. They will flow only in 1 repeatable direction between north and south poles, positive and negative poles, nuclear radiation. Although they usually go right though all materials, they are able to be affected by matter and apparatus in special circumstances. The gather like scalar energy as they move from the sun and environment like free energy and over unity. Tesla blew out the coils of the distant power station, and I have totally melted out a 50" power cable but only if in a coil, no effect if straightened out. I have a 6 hour series of videos on scalar physics available, with demos of these and many more laws.

The antenna can be made to point at anything you think about, no matter how small, no matter how far away, with practice. I can find my lost Verizon bill, Jupiter, a pile of pennies that contains exactly 5 coin, etc. It will operate in the present, but also the past and future.

At this point, I had broken down some sort of psychic barrier, and everything else you will hear prett much happened as soon as I formulated the experiments, and performed them with the new detector.At first, it was thought impossible to run a four minute mile race. A person thought he Could do it, and he did.  Then all of a sudden, lots of people could do it. Doubt is the threshold to Jesus' open door.

Ghost Hunting: Detector can point to the location of any scalar spectral entities in the area, but much more...

Akashic Records in the Spiritual realm: Like the Ouija board, other detector can swing left or right for answers to questions. Its like Edgar Cayce in your hand. There is so much I have done, Ill simplify it by giving an example.

Psychic Mental Telepathy: 3 different people, 3 different states of the USA, spent about 30 minutes on the phone with me. They were not skeptics. The asked a series of simpe personal knowledge yes or no questions and I would tell them if the detector swung to the right for a yes, or left for a no, the way I "asked" the detector to behave. The first set was 85% accurate, next 90%, third 100% ! Oh, forgot to tell you, they did not speak the questions over the phone, but they silently just Thought the questions!


WARNING: ever heard of Ouija boards opening up spiritual portals and some good and bad things enter our world, and if you don't know what you are doing, the evil ones are really hard to get rid of?

Well the Ouija board is only made of cardboard and simple stuff.  My detector is also an Emitter of scalar waves because it has both the human, electronic scalar amplifier, and crystal solid state amplifier in it.

Although my Generator antenna ebay apparatuses are more efficient at opening up ghost portals, the detector will easily open up communication cannels with demons Angels, etc. When you are just trying to find gold or terrestrial things, there is little chance of evil influences. When you try to gain information from the spirit world like Edgar Cayce stuff, or higher stuff, after about 20 seconds of solid responses, the needle will sway back and forth from center, and I have trained it to swing back and forth with greater magnitude the more evil spirits or such are interfering.  I just stop, and retry later. I pray to God and Jesus before I use it, that helps. Holy relics, crucifix, Lourdes water, sageing the house do not work.


Can it teach Telekinesis? Moving solid objects with mere mental power? Watch this video, then ponder what it means. Part of the fun is coming up with things by yourself, Im not telling you about everything...