To help kids understand how fruit and vegetables are grown, as well as learn about how they can grow their own. Encouraging the kids to get hands on in the garden and the kitchen to learn the joys of cooking with healthy, fresh produce.

There is a shallow rectangular tray as the base ready to fill with the provided potting mix.

The rest of the greenhouse is pre-printed and cut clear plastic ready to be assembled. When finished, it rests on the tray and is easily removed to water the garden. Stickers are provided to decorate the greenhouse and herb seeds are included ready to sprinkle over the tray of potting mix.

Place the herbs in a light and warm place (but not in direct sunlight), water them every two days, and harvest according to seed pack instructions.

Kit in

It's very simple and lots of fun, a great gift idea for kids!

* photos above are taken from my own greenhouse, I'm sending a new and sealed box when you purchase, cheers.