Item # FDD02

Fan Dui Dui - Chinese Character Game, Game 2 [Box Set] [Card Game]

Fan Dui Dui is a game to learn Chinese characters. It's easy, no rote learning involved. In order to win, you just have to pay attention to the characters and by doing so, you can't help but learn them. Each card has English translations and pronunciation of the characters, so you don't need to know any Chinese to play, you just learn as you go. 

Designed for Chinese children 3+, this game is fast, fun and has an obvious aim, so works well with people with a short attention span. Anyone who wants to learn Chinese in an easy and relaxed manner can have fun playing this game. 

The Fan Dui Dui series has four games, each introducing 25 of the most common characters. This is the Game 2. 

Note, this is NOT a set of flash cards, it is a REAL GAME for 2-3 players.              

We're selling it for $17.34. FREE SHIPPING within the United States and US territories!


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