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 Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X-Wing Imperial Veterans Expansion (Next Day Delivery) 

Maximize the impact of your TIE bombers and TIE defenders with the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack for X-Win!

Two new TIE miniatures come with alternate paint schemes.
One gray TIE bomber with the Gamma Squadron's signature white stripe and one TIE defender with the bold red paint scheme shared by Countess Ryad and the Glaive Squadron.
Additionally, eight veteran pilots and thirteen upgrades dramatically expand your ships’ capabilities and versatility while a new mission, Disable the Relays, highlights many of their new tricks and tactics!

It has often been said that the best defense is a strong offense, and there are few X-Wing starfighters with more offensive potential than the TIE defender.

At the time of its introduction to the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire's TIE defender was arguably the galaxy's greatest starfighter. And with three attack, three agility, three shields, and three hull, the TIE defender is just as fearsome in X-Wing.

In both the Galactic Civil War and in X-Wing, however, the TIE defender has been hindered by a single drawback—the high cost of its introduction into a squadron. The addition of shields, a hyperdrive, and improved weapons, along with all the other upgrades the TIE defender enjoyed over other TIE models, raised the cost of its production high enough that it never saw widespread use. Likewise, the fighter's squad-point cost has historically limited its use in X-Wing.

While nothing can be done to impact the fighter's use in a Civil War that concluded a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, much can—and will—be done for its use in X-Wing. Soon, with the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack, everything changes.

A 360-degree view of the TIE defender from the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack.

Reinventing the TIE Defender

Perhaps the most noticeable addition to the TIE defender's repertoire are the two new TIE Defender only Title upgrades, the TIE/x7 and TIE/D . These were revealed in the announcement of Imperial Veterans, but both of them deserve more attention here.

Between the two of these Title upgrades, they fairly reinvent the TIE defender, dividing the ship's singular identity into two new identities. The TIE/x7 strips down the TIE defender's standard upgrade bar, but transforms it into a sleeker, faster, primary weapon-focused dogfighter. And the TIE/D Title goes in roughly the opposite route, re-emphasizing the ship's ability to equip cannon upgrades.


The TIE/x7

At the cost of your missile and cannon upgrade slots, the TIE/x7 Title gives your TIE defender a free evade token every turn that you perform a three-, four-, or five-speed maneuver. Notably, the Title does not allow you to perform a free evade action; it simply assigns the token to your ship, meaning it functions even when your ship is stressed. That is more than action economy; that is a fundamental revision of the TIE defender's very role: Fly fast; get slippery.


The TIE defender's maneuver dial

TIE defender pilots have long wanted to fly fast. Their speed "3" turns are white where their low-speed turns are red, and their signature speed "4" Koiogran-turn is also white. Accordingly, the TIE defender's maneuver dial has lent the ship to flanking maneuvers, and it has not been uncommon to see TIE defenders slotted into squadrons that also feature mini-swarms or other, larger ships that might draw fire away from the defender. With the TIE/x7, you find more incentive to fly straight at your foes.

In fact, longtime X-Wing players often refer to the "jousting value" of a given ship, meaning the raw efficiency of its attack, agility, hull, and shield values when compared to the ship's squad point cost and a valuation of the maneuverability of its dial. With the TIE/x7 Title, the TIE defender vaults to the top of the list not only for its combat potential but also for raw efficiency.

You can run a single Delta Squadron Pilot with the TIE/x7 at just twenty-eight squad points, or you can run a pair of Glaive Squadron Pilots with the TIE/x7 Title and the elite pilot talent Adaptability for just sixty-four squad points. Thanks to the TIE/x7 upgrade, you would even have enough squad points remaining to slap the Calculation , Twin Ion Engine Mk. II , and TIE/x7 upgrades onto a Maarek Stele , who could very easily end up spending each round of combat firing at an enemy ship that has already had its shields stripped by his wingmates' attacks.


On the other hand, the TIE/D adds a new sheen to the ugprade slots the TIE/x7 abandons. By permitting your TIE defender pilots to fire twice each round—once with an equipped cannon of three or fewer squad points and once with a primary weapon—the TIE/D Title encourages you to explore what each of the low-cost cannons can add to your squad.

Currently, there are three different cannons the TIE/D can fire in combination with its primary weapons, the Tractor Beam , Flechette Cannon , and Ion Cannon . None of them can deal more than a single point of damage, and this has limited their use among competitive players, especially on the TIE defender which already boasts a potent primary attack.


It is hard to sacrifice a shot at three or four damage in favor of the control provided by punishing your target with stress or ion tokens, but the TIE/D Title means you no longer have to sacrifice that primary weapon attack. Instead, firing your cannon just makes your primary weapon attack better; if your opponent spends any combat tokens to avoid your cannon fire, those tokens are no longer available to defend against your primary weapon.

A Glaive Squadron TIE/D pilot fires its Ion Cannon at Range "1" at an A-wing pilot who has used Push the Limit to get both a focus and an evade token. The TIE defender pilot rolls two hits, and the A-wing pilot rolls one eyeball. Now, the A-wing pilot has a difficult decision to make. He can spend both his focus and evade tokens to avoid being ionized, in which case he has no defense tokens against the TIE defender's modified Range "1" shot with its primary weapon. Alternatively, he can save his defense tokens and accept the ion token, in which case he won't be able to clear his stress next turn, and the TIE defender pilot knows he can whip around with his white speed "4" Koiogran-turn to set up his next shot.

Simultaneously, the TIE/D Title gives your TIE defender the freedom to limit your enemy's ships' maneuverability and actions by stressing them, ionizing them, or locking onto them with your Tractor Beam. Add an elite pilot talent like Lone Wolf , Marksmanship , or Predator , and you increase your chances of hitting with both your TIE defender's cannon and primary attack.

For example, no opponent is going to want to see you flying Imperial ace Maarek Stele in a TIE defender outfitted with the TIE/D Title, an Ion Cannon, and the Marksmanship elite pilot talent. Even at forty-one squad points, Maarek is well worth the investment, as he can easily cripple most ships in a single round of concentrated fire.

Alternatively, the TIE/D Title presents you with a singular opportunity to take advantage of the reduced agility an enemy ship suffers when you hit it with your Tractor Beam, as it guarantees you a follow-up shot. And given the fact that a Tractor Beam may allow your TIE defender to reposition an enemy ship onto an asteroid and deny it its shot, the higher you can get your ace's pilot skill, the better.

You might fly Rexler Brath with Veteran Instincts , the TIE/D Title, and a Tractor Beam, then accompany him with Maarek Stele, Veteran Instincts, TIE/D, and another Tractor Beam. Although you can only reposition an enemy small-base ship the first time you assign it a tractor beam token, flying these pilots together increases your chances of catching your opponents off-guard, and they still leave you twenty-four squad points that you can use to add a couple of TIE fighters, a Lambda-class shuttle, or a flanker.

Getting the Most from Your TIE Defender

Of course, the TIE defender offers more than just its new Titles, and you need skillful pilots to be able to get the most from your fighters. To that end, Imperial Veteransintroduces both the Glaive Squadron Pilot and a new version of Maarek Stele. It also gives us Countess Ryad , who arrives eager to take advantage of the defender's notorious Koiogran-turn. In fact, she appears so eager to get behind her foes and pursue them across the battlefield that she can execute a Koiogran-turn anytime she reveals a straight maneuver.

Not only does this mean that Countess Ryad can perform Koiogran-turns at speeds "2" through "5," but it means that all her Koiogran-turns are green. Not only is she able to use the maneuver to catch her foes off-guard, but she can perform it so cleanly as to shed stress, meaning that she may be one of the few TIE defender pilots to benefit from Push the Limit. Equipped with Push the Limit, the TIE/x7 Title, and the Twin Ion Engine Mk. II upgrade, Countess Ryad is a potent adversary, capable of flying straight at a cluster of foes, withstanding their fire, hammering their ships with her primary weapons, and then racing past them on a speed "2," "3," "4," or "5" green Koiogran-turn to shed her stress, gain an evade token, and pursue her foes from behind their ranks and outside their firing arcs.

Day of the Defender

It is too late to change the number of TIE defenders that flew during the Galactic Civil War, but it is not too late to fly more of these astonishing fighters in your X-Wing battles.

Bombs Away!

A Preview of the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack for X-Wing™

Rule the skies!

With its new TIE defender and TIE bomber miniatures, pilots, and upgrades, the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack will soon provide Imperial players new ways to rule the skies in their X-Wing battles.

December's announcement of the pack received a fantastically enthusiastic response from the fan community, many of whom were particularly impressed by its introduction of two new Title cards for the TIE defender. Still, the expansion has a lot to offer the TIE bomber, as well, and that is where we start our previews.

Slower and bulkier than other TIEs, the TIE bomber plays quite differently in X-Wing than its cousins the TIE fighter and TIE interceptor. Whereas those ships are better able to weave across the battlefield and dodge enemy fire, the TIE bomber generally has to rely more heavily upon its six points of hull. Similarly, its reduced maneuverability makes it more of a blunt weapon, and clusters of TIE bombers are more likely to focus on launching alpha strikes before plowing into their foes than they are to engage in protracted dogfights.

Still, even as the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack looks to enhance the TIE bomber's traditional strengths, it will also expand the ship's role, making it a more useful craft in those protracted dogfights.

A 360-degree view of the TIE bomber from the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack

Acing the Alpha Strike

If you are a longtime Star Wars fan, the words "TIE bomber" likely trigger flashbacks to the scene from The Empire Strikes Back in which a pair of TIE bombers pepper an asteroid with proton bombs. And you will likely appreciate the ways that Imperial Veterans encourages similar bombing runs through the introduction of its new pilots and upgrades.

 Providing arguably the most impactful support for your alpha-striking bombing runs is the new Long-Range Scanners modification. While it is always a trick to balance your squad point investment in upgrades against the purchase of more or better ships, the Long-Range Scanners make your life easier by weighing in at zero squad points. The only thing they cost you is the modification slot, meaning that if you equip them to a TIE bomber, you can no longer upgrade that ship with a Hull Upgrade , anEngine Upgrade , or Guidance Chips . In return, however, you gain the ability to acquire a target lock on your first round of play, before any of your ships end up in firing range, and that allows you to enter your first round of combat with both the target lock and focus tokens.

Of course, if you enhance your TIE bomber with a Long-Range Scanner, you will likely want to equip some ordnance and the cost-effective Extra Munitions upgrade. Thus equipped, a Scimitar Squadron Pilot with Concussion Missiles and Seismic Charges might weigh in at a modest twenty-four squad points, meaning you could get four of them into the same squad.

You could also switch one of them out for "Deathfire" and replace this unique pilot's Seismic Charges with Cluster Mines in order to establish a firmer control of the battlefield.

In either case, such a squad would likely charge forward as a group, acquiring target locks on the first round and firing their missiles as soon as they get into range. Then, they would deploy their bombs as they race forward at top speed and acquire new target locks before performing Koiogran-turns to set up their second round of missile fire.

Even if you choose not to build a whole bomber wing devoted to delivering a concussive alpha strike, the Long-Range Scanners upgrade lends itself well to the creation of a threatening flanker. The "Deathfire" build listed above could fly into battle from a flanking position just as easily as it could fly in formation with a trio of other bombers, and because it costs you just twenty-seven squad points, you would still have plenty of room in your squad for a small swarm of TIE fighters, a couple of aces, or a pair of TIE defenders upgraded with either the TIE/D or TIE/x7 Title upgrades.

Your Budget Shuttle

Even as the Long-Range Sensors upgrade plays straight into the TIE bomber's traditional strengths, the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack allows you to explore a range of wildly different bomber playstyles with its new TIE Shuttle upgrade. This zero-cost Title upgrade allows you to equip up to two crew, neither of which can cost more than four squad points. The drawback is that you have to sacrifice all your ordnance slots.

Still, a good number of X-Wing players have made clever use of the TIE bomber in Imperial squads, even without ordnance. They have made frequent appearances in swarms, as players were willing to trade away the extra attack dice and maneuverability they could gain by flying TIE fighters in favor of the greater consistency afforded by the bomber's six hull.

Within such a swarm of TIE bombers, the TIE Shuttle adds a new measure of tactical flexibility, especially through the use of the Tactician upgrade. For just two points, a Tactician transforms the attacks you make with your TIE Shuttle from raw damage potential to damage and control, and a pair of these shuttles can provide your squad a decided advantage against any ace whose actions they can deny.

A Scimitar Squadron Pilot with the TIE Shuttle Title and Tactician offers a significant measure of punch and control at only eighteen squad points.

Meanwhile, while Tacticians may rate among the Empire's top crew options for its TIE Shuttles, they are certainly not the only options. You could get a couple shots out of Darth Vader or chase your opponent's ships with a Saboteur to flip face-up the damage cards your other ships have dealt it. You could also use your TIE Shuttle to support the rest of your squad by crewing it with a Fleet Officer or the Systems Officer from the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack, or both.

Finally, you could simply improve your bomber's combat potential by adding a crew member like the Recon Specialist or Agent Kallus , and a squad that features a bomber with this focus and with the control provided by a pair of Tacticians may provide Imperial players with an entertaining new approach to TIE bomber and swarm tactics.

Boasting a solid pool of ten attack dice, along with a total of twenty-five hull and shields, this squad excels at barreling straight into combat and loading an enemy ace with stress, and even though those aces often excel at dodging fire, Tomax Bren pretty much guarantees that you will land consistent damage, thanks to his ability to use Crack Shot each and every round.

Return for a Second Pass

With its new ship and upgrade cards, the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack is bringing the TIE bomber around for a second major bombing run, and the possibilities are far more explosive and varied than ever before. Will you acquire target locks with your Long-Range Scanners and then bombard your foes with missiles, torpedoes, and bombs? Will you fly "Deathfire" as a menacing flanker? Will you explore the options afforded your squads by the crew on your TIE Shuttles? 

No matter which of the new materials you examine, you will find that they also cast new light upon existing pilots and upgrades. For example, the Gamma Squadron Veteran'selite pilot talent slot and relatively low squad-point cost makes it an excellent target for the Adrenaline Rush upgrade found in the TIE Bomber Expansion Pack. Equipped with Adrenaline Rush, Long-Range Sensors, Extra Munitions, and some ordnance, a Gamma Squadron Veteran can easily fire off a series of punishing bombing runs in quick succession.


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