Get a grip on your wig with the worlds most unique concept – therapeutic headband. These sell for $34 on Paula young's website. On sale they sell for $20. Here I'm giving you a nice discount. 

It prevents pressure sores. 

Dissipates body heat. 

Reduce his skin shear. 

Conforms to help cushion pressure points.  

Will not absorb body fluids or oils. 

Self-healing, will not leak if punctured.  


This brand-new comfy grip. Is great, just wrap the band around your hairline or wherever your wig meets the scalp, being sure to place the Velcro attachment on the side of your head away from any pressure points. Your comfy grip should never be born tight simply find where it feels most comfortable to you comfort and peace of mind finally one easy to use product delivers both.

Check out all my other items. I have several items from Paula Young's website and will combine shipping. Some items are new some are used. This is new. 
