From UC: MSV, the first prototype of the iconic Sinanju- the rough-cut, white Sinanju Stein! 
- The Sinanju Stein Ver.Ka- an almost pure-white Suit, the Sinanju Stein was designed using data from both the v Gundam and the Sazabi. This unparalleled combination of two of the most powerful Suits from the Universal Century has lead to a Suit with unique proportions and features designed to optimize performance. Of the 22 runners included with the Stein, 15 are completely new, and created for this kit. 
- Includes marking decals created by Mr. Hajime Katoki, designer of this Suit. 
- Gundam Unicorn-style Forearm mounted Beam Saber mounting system is inclI duded
- Thruster unit mounted on backpack, can be locked using link arms to enable greater range of movement with the shoulder armor. 
- Adopts the emotion manipulator for fully posable fingers, and weapons feature a double locking mechanism to hold them firmly in place from both sides.
- Armed with Beam Rifle, bazooka, and more! 
- Leg thruster units on the legs linked with connector arm.
- Known as the return of the “Red Comet,” Full Frontal's MSN-06S crimson Sinanju started out as the Sinanju Stein- a white prototype that pushed the boundaries of human endurance! 

- Accessories: Beam Rifle, Shield, Beam Saber x2, Bazooka,
Joint for Action Base 1, Figure (standing, seated)
Item Size/Weight : 39.3 x 31.3 x 12.5 cm / 1080g