Sterculia colorata

Firmiana colorata

Scarlet Sterculia


Every March to April, in the forests of the Western Ghats and Deccan plateau an amazing sight is to be seen. Large, tubular orange-red flowers hang downwards from leafless branches, exuding a sharp, musky pepper-like scent and creating a stunning contrast. Throughout the rest of the year club shaped palm-sized leaves crowd the ends of the spreading branches. The small medium size of this tropical tree makes it an ideal species for bonsai. Prefers sunlight, and is drought tolerant.


This widely adaptable tree can be used for a wide range of uses including, standard specimen as well as the greenhouse. It makes the perfect patio plant but, will need protection from frost. Keep tree well watered until established. 


Fun Facts:


1.      Named after Latin god Sterculius

2.      Suitable for xeriscaping

3.   Common names include: Bonfire tree and Indian Almond


    Adaptable to most soil conditions, and gardening types, specimen plantings, deck gardens as well as houseplants.


Outdoor Standard Zone 9+
Potted Deck Plant


Each seed pack you buy from us is: 
Properly labeled and packaged in individual packs. 
Each label has information specific to the seed you are buying!

This widely adaptable tree can be used for a wide range of uses including, standard specimen as well as the greenhouse or houseplant.  It makes the perfect patio plant but, will need protection from frost.  Keep tree well watered until established.




We have been in the garden - seed business for over 40 years and were one of the first to sell seeds on the internet many years ago. We will give you quality seed and service. We will be there for you not only today but down the road from now should you need growing help or more seeds. We thank you in advance for your business.


Note: all seeds are fresh and viable. We will not and can not be responsible for the germination of any seed since everyone has their own methods of starting, growing and planting them. We will only advise you of what we think works best. See below for more information.


 It is the buyer’s responsibility to know whether any plant or seed is acceptable or allowable for the area being shipped to. Seller is not responsible for buyer’s use of plant or seeds and any dangers thereof. By purchasing this item buyer accepts this understanding.


All seed descriptions are based on careful study, research and our own growing experiments. They are reproduced here, from our web site and seed company packet descriptions and are Copyright along with photos © [ Summers Seeds Garden Products] 1998-present. All rights reserved. No part of these descriptions may be reproduced, in part or in whole, without the written consent of the owner/publisher.


Seed is a live product which depends on many important grower skills such as proper planting time, seed depth, type of soil, watering, light intensity, proper use of fertilizers, weed controls, fungicides, insecticides, soil conditions, and reasonable weather during the growing period. These factors are totally out of the sellers control, and germination and growing results are the buyer's responsibility and risk.