This auction is for a huge lot of Mattel/ Matty Collector Ghostbusters. Every figure is mint on sealed card, and will also include original mailers. This set is for 34 figures total, and includes exclusives and a Hot Wheels 2010 Ecto-1. The following figures are included:

SDCC Exclusive Egon Spengler and Slimer

Winston Zeddemore

Ray Stantz

Peter Venkman and Slimer

SDCC Exclusive Zuul

Vinz Clortho

Egon (2nd release with books and PKE meters)

Peter Venkman (2nd release with proton stream)

Walter Peck with containment unit

Ready to Believe You Venkman with Taxi Driver Ghost

Ready to Believe You Ray with Subway Ghost

Ready to Believe You Egon with Library Ghost

Slime Blower Ray with Theater Ghost

Slime Blower Winston

Vigo the Carpathian

Courtroom Battle Peter with Nunzio Scoleri

Courtroom Battle Ray with Tony Scoleri Ecto Club exclusive Marshmallow Mess Ray Ecto Club exclusive Rookie Ecto Club exclusive glow in the dark Slimer

Toys R Us exclusive Ghostbusters 2 box set (Santa hat variants, includes Ray, Peter, Winston, Egon and Slimer)

SDCC Exclusive over-sized Mr. Stay Puft Marshmallow Man with giant diorama box

All figures are brand new, and have been stored in an adult collector's home. If you have any questions, please ask.

Shipping will be in multiple boxes since the quantity (and size!) of the figures is so large.