This listing is for varieties of sweet edible Soalanacea Berries, choose which one you want from the drop down box - Information on each type is below. All Green (unripe) fruits are poisonous like tomatoes.

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Solanum retroflexum, Wonderberry, Sunberry
Solanum Villosum, Golden Pearls
solanum nigram Mexican Chichiquelite - Miltomate V
Solanum sessiliflorum, Cocona  
Solanum quitoense, naranjilla
Physalis philadelphica, Rare Pineapple Tomatillo
Solanum betaceum, Orange tamarillo
Solanum Caribbean Jamberry Fruit  - 10 Rare seeds
Solanum sisymbriifolium, Litchi Tomato - 10 rare seed
Withania somnifera, ashwagandha, Indian ginseng. - 15 seed (Medical & cheese making only)
Solanum muricatum, pepino - 20 seed
Golden Berry, Physalis peruviana  - 20 seed

Solanum retroflexum, commonly known as Wonderberry or Sunberry. 
What you get - 50 fresh seeds
This a historic heirloom fruiting shrub.
It is sometimes called Garden Huckleberry, but that properly refers to the S. scabrum described by Philip Miller.
As its old scientific name that is still often seen, Solanum × burbankii, indicates, it is of hybrid origin. The plant was bred by Luther Burbank in the early 1900s and is a hybrid of S. villosum and S. guineense.
Plants are compact, typically growing to a height of 12"-24", and may fruit at sizes as small as 4". The plant produces diminutive, dark blue-purple fruits that are bland in flavour and often combined with sugar in desserts.
The Wonderberry shrub is an extremely easy to grow plant which is grown similarly to tomatoes. Seeds are sown in the summer in full or part sun. Fruit can be expected in 75 days.
Very easy to grow, pop each seed in it's own pot - 1/2 inch under potting mix,  put in a warm spot, keep moist and wait. Plant out at 1 ft high.

Solanum Villosum, Golden Pearls - edible tasty treat - 30 Fresh seeds
This fast-growing, newly discovered plant from the Solanaceae family produces clusters of sweet, yellow or orange berries, (which bear a striking resemblance to yellow currants but are no relation), on long dividing stems which carry slightly hairy leaves. It can be grown in a container, when the plant will produce fruit very quickly indeed, whilst very small, or in the open ground or greenhouse when the plant will carry on growing and producing fruit all summer long and right into the autumn. Unripe berries should not be eaten. This completely new introduction to Western gardens has been around for centuries in Africa (Solanum villosum), where the actual leaves, which are reputedly used like spinach, are sold at high prices in markets, although we cannot recommend this use. Although the leaves of this plant are often smoked, reputedly as a cannabis substitute, we definitely DO NOT recommend this practice :)  Very easy to grow, keep moist till germinated in very good light. Sunlight is very important to these guys. Can handle afternoon shade. And do well in pots if given plenty of water.
I found them easily grown in pots or ground and very tasty not unlike "Golden berries" or ground cherries, but easier to find on the bush, even if smaller and a little fiddly to pick.

Mexican Chichiquelite - Miltomate Vallisto, Heavy bearer, Tasty treat
What you get - 15 seed
It is definitely true that Chichiquelite’s berries are smaller, sweeter and shinier than Wonderberry’s’ the flowers have a blue tint making them easier to tell appart.  
Chichiquelite is a bushy plant that grows to between 30cm and 60 cm tall.  It starts flowering in spring and produces hundreds of berries continuously great continuous supply of berries to eat until the plant is killed by frost.  Idealy if protected from frost, it becomes a short-lived perennial.  As such it will flower earlier the next season as it does not have to grow big from seed again. Chichiquelite berries are drought tolerant (obviously you'll get bigger berries if the plant is well fed and watered).  They are much easier to grow than tomatoes and chillies.  A little shading does not greatly affect the berry yield.  The berries have a nice flavour and are decidedly sweet, with no bitterness or any other yucky tastes.  The seeds are tiny compared to the black nightshade and it felt more like eating blueberries than other berries with gritty seeds such as raspberry or blackberry.  Berries are juicy, sweet and ready to harvest when all the berry in a cluster turns a purple/black.

Physalis philadelphica, Rare Pineapple Tomatillo  - 15 fresh seeds
This out of the ordinary yellow ground cherry has a flavor that is sweet, fruity, and really does remind you of a pineapple. Makes a unique and wonderful salsa. The short spreading bushes produce abundantly.
Not to be confused with Goldenberries which grow in an upright manner, these little beauties grow only about a foot high have a spreading nature and are completely covered with calix covered golden yellow berries
These tasty summer treats are seldom seen here, so be sure to leave room in your garden.
Both tomatillos and ground cherries are easy to grow. Start indoors as you would tomatoes. Growing tips are the same. Direct sowing outdoors is not recommended in colder areas.  Natural genetic plant resistance is the best form of disease control. For diseases like early and late blight, a strict 3 year rotation and a sanitation program that includes destroying all the vines at the end of the year are your best defenses. Contact your local county extension agent for more information.
HARVEST: Fruit is ripe when the light brown papery husk has folded back to reveal the plump berry. Ripe fruit will soon fall to the ground.  You’ll find yourself snacking on so much of it in the garden that this sweet yellow tomatillo may never make it to the house! They turn from green to yellow when ripe. Eat out of hand or in sweet salsas. 70-75 days. Easy Grow
Seed grown fresh, from seeds imported from the USA
What you get - 15 seeds (limited number available)

Solanum sessiliflorum, Cocona 
What you get - 10 fresh seeds
This a very rare tropical perennail shrub. The cocona plant has sturdy branches and huge, serrate and hairy leaves. Cocona closely resembles a number of close relatives, including naranjilla and pseudolulo. It can be distinguished from those plants by its lack of spines. It will hybridize with those and other close relatives. Cocona also lacks the characteristic purple coloring usually seen in the naranjilla. Its flowers resemble large potato flowers, with light green petals. Cocona is harvested in parts of South America around the Amazon rainforest such as Purús Province in eastern Peru.
The fruit of cocona is a red, orange or yellow edible berry. Cocona is native to the Andean region of South America, where it is occasionally cultivated for human consumption.  Cocona can also be grown as an indoor ornamental plant in temperate climates, but it seems to be quite sensitive to spider mites, so care should be taken not to keep it in too dry air during winter. Like the naranjilla, coconas are highly sensitive to aphids and nematodes. As subtropical plants, they can endure cool weather, but will be killed or severely damaged by frost. During summer, it can be grown outside or in a cold greenhouse. When grown from seed, coconas can bear fruit in as little as 9 months, or as long as 24.  Extremely Rare in Australia, seeds are easily grown with good germination, sow spring or in hot house.

Solanum quitoense, naranjilla  - 10 fresh seed
(Spanish pronunciation: [naɾaŋˈxiʎa], "little orange") in Ecuador and Panama and as lulo ([ˈlulo], from Quechua) in Colombia, is a subtropical perennial plant from northwestern South America. The specific name for this species of nightshade means "from Quito." this plant is a shade lover!
The naranjilla plant is attractive, with large elongated heart- or oval-shaped leaves up to 45 cm in length. The leaves and stems of the plant are covered in short purple hairs. Naranjilla are delicate plants and must be protected from strong winds and direct sunlight. They grow best in partial shade.
The fruit has a citrus flavour, sometimes described as a combination of rhubarb and lime. The juice of the naranjilla is green and is often used as a drink.

Solanum betaceum, Orange Tamarillo - 10 seeds
This is a small tree or shrub in the flowering plant family Solanaceae (the nightshade family). It is best known as the species that bears the tamarillo, an egg-shaped edible fruit. It is also known as the tree tomato, or tamamoro. The tamarillo is native to the Andes of Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia and Bolivia. Today, it is still cultivated in gardens and small orchards for local production, and it is one of the most popular fruits in these regions. Grows easily in a pot or ground where there are no frosts and loves wet summers and or some shade. Beautiful big soft, heart shaped leaves make this a stunning plant to grow. Eaten fresh in either salad or fruit salad, great jams and sauces made form the fruit and good added to stir fry's. Yummy easy grow.

Solanum Caribbean Jamberry Fruit  - 10 seeds
Rare Exotic Heirloom Tropical Inca Blueberry-Jamberry Solanum fruit seed, easily grown in pots or ground.
It is believed that the Incas enjoyed the juice of this remarkable fruit. This enchanting plant with its large elongated heart-shaped leaves up to 45 cm long is truly an ancient wonder. Crowned in cute paper lanterns the jamberries are delicate fruit and must be protected from strong winds and direct sunlight. They grow best in partial shade. It is usually found at elevations of up to 6000 feet above sea level and can withstand temperatures as low as 20° F. 
They produce lovely golden flowers with protruding jasper pollen. These morph into lovely, shiny berries of a mesmerizing purple bursting with juicy, sweet pulp that has a Blueberry to buah naga flavour and is often enjoyed as a juice out of hand or added to juices, preserves, wine, sauces, jams, pastries, desserts, salsa, salads, jellies and sherbets to give a refreshingly sweet, berry-plum flavor. Delicious!
Jamberries are low in calories. However, they are jam packed with health benefiting plant nutrients such as dietary fiber, minerals, anti-oxidants and vitamins.  They are rich in lycopene and it is good in a different kind of antioxidant phyto-chemicals known as withanolides. Ixocarpalactone-A is one such withanolides present in jamberry which has been found to have anti-bacterial and anti-cancer properties. 

Solanum sisymbriifolium, Litchi Tomato - 10 seed
Solanum sisymbriifolium is commonly known as Sticky Nightshade, the Fire-and-Ice plant, Litchi Tomato, or Morelle de Balbis. syn "Solanum balbisii", "Solanum decurrens", "Solanum edule", "Solanum formosum" and "Solanum viscosum" The small edible fruits are red on the outside and yellow inside. It grows inside a husk (like the tomatillo) which burst open when the fruit ripens. The flavor resembles sour cherries and a little bit like a tomato. Sought after by Chefs, Foodies,Adventurists,and Novelty Gardener's; The Litchi Tomato has become rather of a Novelty delite and a delicacy for discriminate palates and connoisseurs alike. Gaining popularity and picking up steam from Farmer's Markets and almost a rarity in specialty stores due to its thorny hurtful pricks-The Litchi Tomato is NOT for the Faint hearted .
One thing for sure,the taste of a Glossy skinned Litchi Tomato resembles a similarity to the flavor of a very sweet strawberry,with the texture of a tomatillo and the very fragrant sweetness of a Ground Cherry and a Giant Cape Gooseberry!  Only a select few Novelty Gardeners know the savory goodness of what the Litchi Tomato represents and the difference of its rarity*-As It must be tried at least once in a lifetime.  The Litchi Tomato is generally an Annual and can be a perennial in tropical zones/conditions and in some warmer areas

Withania somnifera, ashwagandha, Indian ginseng. - 15 seed (Medical & cheese-making only)
Withania somnifera, known commonly as ashwagandha, Indian ginseng, poison gooseberry, or winter cherry, is a plant in the Solanaceae or nightshade family. Several other species in the genus Withania are morphologically similar. It is used as an herb in Ayurvedic medicine. This species is a short annual shrub growing 35 to 75 centimeters tall. Tomentose branches extend radially from a central stem. The flowers are small and green. The ripe fruit is orange-red, species name somnifera means "sleep-inducing"  The berries can be used as a substitute for rennet in cheesemaking.
The plant's long, brown, tuberous roots are used for medicinal purposes.  In Ayurveda, the berries and leaves are applied externally to tumors, tubercular glands, carbuncles, and ulcers. The roots are used to prepare the herbal remedy ashwagandha, which has been traditionally used to treat various symptoms and conditions.  In two published clinical trials of W. somnifera, the side effects were not significantly different from those experienced by placebo-treated individuals. Multiple studies have shown positive effects in reducing physiological and psychological stress as well as restoring and increasing energy levels. More than one study had findings showing a significant improvement in both cardiovascular and respiratory endurance.  Ashwagandha is one of the most widespread tranquillisers used in India, where it holds a position of importance similar to ginseng in China. It acts mainly on the reproductive and nervous systems, having a rejuvenative effect on the body, and is used to improve vitality and aid recovery after chronic illness. The plant is little known in the West. The whole plant, but especially the leaves and the root bark, are abortifacient, adaptogen, antibiotic, aphrodisiac, deobstruent, diuretic, narcotic, strongly sedative and tonic. Internally, it is used to tone the uterus after a miscarriage and also in treating post-partum difficulties. It is also used to treat nervous exhaustion, debility, insomnia, wasting diseases, failure to thrive in children, impotence, infertility, multiple sclerosis etc. Externally it has been applied as a poultice to boils, swellings and other painful parts. The root is harvested in the autumn and dried for later use. Some caution is advised in the use of this plant since it is toxic. The fruit is diuretic. The seed is diuretic and hypnotic.

Solanum muricatum, pepino - 20 seed

This species of evergreen shrub native to South America and grown for its sweet edible fruit.
It is known as pepino dulce ("sweet pepino" in English, in order to differentiate it from cucumber which is also called "pepino" in Spanish) or simply pepino; the latter is also used for similar species such as "S. mucronatum" (which actually seems to belong in the related genus Lycianthes). The pepino dulce fruit resembles a melon (Cucumis melo) in color, and its flavor recalls a succulent mixture of honeydew and cucumber, is easy to grow, loves growing in a pot and the fruit stay clean and easy to find hanging over the side, grow well inside a wire ring up to 4 ft tall. Frost sensitive, but otherwise tough.

Golden Berry, Physalis peruviana  - 20 seed

A species of physalis, the plant and its fruit, is originally from Peru and also known as uchuva (Colombia) Cape gooseberry (South Africa, UK, New Zealand), Inca berry, Aztec berry, golden berry, giant ground cherry, African ground cherry, Peruvian groundcherry, Peruvian cherry, amour en cage (France, French for love in a cage), and sometimes simply Physalis (United Kingdom). It is indigenous to South America, but has been cultivated in England since the late 18th century and in South Africa in the region of the Cape of Good Hope since at least the start of the 19th century.
Physalis peruviana is closely related to the tomatillo and to the Chinese lantern, also members of the genus Physalis. As a member of the plant family Solanaceae, it is more distantly related to a large number of edible plants, including tomato, eggplant, potato and other members of the nightshades. Despite its name, it is not closely related to any of the cherry, Ribes gooseberry, Indian gooseberry, or Chinese gooseberry.
The fruit is a smooth berry, resembling a miniature, spherical, yellow tomato. Removed from its bladder-like calyx, it is about the size of a marble, about 1–2 cm in diameter. Like a tomato, it contains numerous small seeds. It is bright yellow to orange in color, and it is sweet when ripe, with a characteristic, mildly tart flavor, making it ideal for snacks, pies, or jams. It is relished in salads and fruit salads, sometimes combined with avocado. Also, because of the fruit's decorative appearance, it is popular in restaurants as an exotic garnish for desserts.
A prominent feature is the inflated, papery calyx enclosing each berry. The calyx is accrescent until the fruit is fully grown; at first it is of normal size, but after the petals fall it continues to grow until it forms a protective cover around the growing fruit. If the fruit is left inside the intact calyx husks, its shelf life at room temperature is about 30–45 days.

Choose from the drop down box - What you get  - 10 to 50 very fresh seeds  

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