**All packs are factory sealed!**


World of Warcraft Trading Card Game



The Dungeon Decks are supported by the Dungeon Deck Treasure Pack. Loot equipment, allies, abilities, and epics from these nine-card treasure chests. Every card is a foil! You'll find the dungeon bosses in tournament-legal card form. Cookie, Mograine, Godfrey, and Vanessa Van Cleef are just some of the allies you'll be able to recruit. You'll also find many cards that support your multiplayer dungeoneering experience as well as your one-on-one tournament duels.

And for your World of Warcraft Cataclsym players out there in computerland, each Treasure Pack could hold one of these three Loot cards: the Wasteland Tallstrider mount, Fool's Gold item, and Landro's Lichling pet. Each Dungeon Deck Treasure Pack contains 9 cards.