Highly-Rated. Check feedback on this item. These are classic lessons, terrific teaching techniques.
ON SALE...Consider the content of this highly rated dvd. It focuses on learning BASIC FLAMENCO DANCE MOVES. It is presented in the format of a FLAMENCO WORKOUT in order to build the right muscles and stamina needed for Flamenco. It offers women and men a challenging opportunity to learn authentic Flamenco dance moves while building up endurance and strengthening hands, arm and feet coordination. The program includes a cardio-vascular exercise akin to aerobics. It is carefully choreographed into a systematic, effective, artistic, professional workout, geared for both high and low impact. It is broken down in three main workout segments. Part One - Warm up. the program begins with a Flamenco floreo exercise essential to the Spanish Dance. It also focuses on neck exercises, knee bends, ankle flexes, lunges and side stretches. Part Two - Footwork, flexing the foot and striking the floor with the ball oof the foot, then bringing down the heel to make the two seperate sounds - known as the Classic Flamenco Toe-Heel Step and Sound. Then, you learn how to embellish the Toe-Heel dance stps with combinations of arms and footwork. Part Three - The Spanish Jota. The Jota is the name of a Regional Dance in Spain, with many variations. Learning and practicing the Jota with us will help improve your endurance as it naturally requires cardio-vascular progression. Ballet terms and techniques are used to teach these specialized movements properly. Workout Leader is master Spanish dancer, Eva Amador. She is joined by Reina Contreras and Ricardo Ramirez. All are of the flamenco dance group, Cuadro Espanol. guest dancer is Amanda. Specify dvd or vhs preference. Running time is 40 minutes,. Well-made. New.

On Sep-05-13 at 12:25:32 PDT, seller added the following information:

Highly-Rated. Check feedback on this item. These are classic lessons, terrific teaching techniques.