
Life's Operating Manual With the Fear and Truth Dialogues Tom Shadyac

Life's Operating Manual With the Fear and Truth Dialogues Tom Shadyac
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Life's Operating Manual: With the Fear and Truth Dialogues

D'autre titre de Tom Shadyac

Life's Operating Manual: With the Fear and Truth Dialogues

Life's Operating Manual by Tom Shadyac This is my review of Life's Operating Manual by Tom Shadyac. I acknowledge that I received this book free from Hay House Publishing to review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment. Life's Operating Manual by Tom Shadyac is a book that rips away the veil and forces the reader to face the truth that everything Western society believes - the Amercian Dream, the empty promises of money and success - is all a myth. A terrible myth that may very well be destroying us at the soul level. After I finished Life's Operating Manual I felt as though I had just experienced something so incredibly profound. I don't know that my world view was necessarily shaken, but much of what I have becoming to know as truth on my own was painfully and wondrously validated. The author, however, leaves you with, after the knowing, what do you do about it? If anybody is looking to find answers at the end of Life's Operating Manual they most likely will not find them. Instead, Tom Shadyac has posed questions, weaving them throughout. More than likely you will be filled with more questions than answers but, as the author points out, it is our path to make for ourselves. Nobody else can guide us on our own journey but us. What I probably found most comforting was that he pointed out that it took him 10 to 15 years after the knowing to finally reach where he is today. It is a slow path to enlightenment. The book itself is a relatively short, easy read broken out into chapters which include quotes, an expansion on Tom Shadyac's ideas, and dialogue between his own truth and fear. The author suggests that it is fear which keeps so many of us from knowing and acknowledging the truth. I can't express enough how life changing this book truly is. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to take a step further into their knowing of the truth about life. EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS BOOK!!! I am still amazed that this book of such incredible insight & perspective came from the writer director of Ace Ventura, The Nutty Professor, Bruce Almighty, and so many other comedies! Tom Shadyac has written more than a book, but really a message that should be shared around the world!!! Every chapter, even those that present points I do not completely agree with, provide a message that makes you think about how you go about your own life, and how you affect the ppl & world around you! I am genuinely thankful for having the opportunity to read this book, and I think everyone should at least check it out! Reading , I am glad to see that he lives what he preaches, changing his life so drastically, and giving back to so many in so many ways on a regular basis! Not to mention the fact that he gets zero profit from this book and donates it all to charities from the Foundation for I Am, which I first heard about when I saw his documentary I Am. A must have book Tom Shadyac has written in intriguing book, built on a trauma that had him contemplating end his life. Questioning his very successful life as a directing and screenwriter, Shadyac doesn't feel the promised happiness that making it to the top in our society promised him. Instead of numbing himself to the emptiness with any of today's drug and alcoholic escapes, Shadyac decided to look inside himself. Following the advice he saw in the writings of those special savants down through the ages, everyone from Jesus to Ralph Waldo Emerson, and his friend, Morgan Freeman. Chapter by chapter, with the wise sayings of our elder brothers and sister, Shadyac explores the idea that it's our world that's broken, not us. We are trapped in a world that goes against Nature, and therefore it goes against the laws of the Divine, which means that our worldly laws can only fail. And make us sick in the meanwhile. Shadyac expounds on the idea that our news is filled with the darker side of life because it's actually foreign to our nature, something I hadn't really thought about before. We find it titillating because it's out of the norm and against our nature, just as we all slow down to see an accident on the road because it's out of the norm. We certainly aren't amazed and ready to sit down to watch reports on the news of the traffic going perfectly and everyone doing the right thing, because it's what we expect. According to what Shadyac learned through reading the works of the big thinkers, is that humans are hardwired to be kind and cooperate with each other because any organism in nature that doesn't work for the good of all, will soon kill the organism. Think of how cancer is really just a few of your cells being greedy and taking more than they can use until they overrun and kill the body. In another chapter Shadyac talks about is the idea that it was the advent of agriculture that started us down the road away from the divine laws of nature. Suddenly we could stay in one place and start to accumulate more things then we could use ourselves. Civilization could begin, and the hunter gather society that we'd been living under for nearly 200,000 years could be set aside. No longer would we have to cooperate to live. No longer would we have to honor the earth and her seasons and the animals that we hunted. With agriculture, we could store up food and stay in one place, laying claim to `our' piece of the earth. Now we could fight for what was `ours' and raise armies and enslave each other to work more than then we could use just for ourselves. Fences went up to divide us from one another, and without the need for small tribes to interact with each other, different societies could grow more firm in their prejudices allowing for the killing of those who were `different' with no remorse. I find it ironic that when we humans are given time off from our work, we tend to go back out to nature to hunt, and fish, and live in tents, as if we had only temporally taken up the trappings of a civilization. This idea has always been a favorite of mine, though I didn't know that someone had written a book on it. Shadyac's life was completely turned around by the book Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, which is the idea that our culture(from the root word cult) has seduced us. The idea that someone else has implanted ideas in our head that we claim as our own like in the movie Inception. Anyone who's spent some time in junior high and high school, will identify with the insane way that kids emulate one another, sometimes down the long road to destruction, no matter what they've been taught differently at home. At the end of each chapter, after putting forth his idea, Shadyac then has a back and forth question and answer between `Fear' and Truth'. I have to say that fear has been present in my head more often then not. It's easy to see how we're tricked into thinking less of ourselves by fear which paralyses us into doing what we're told rather than what our heart tells us. This is a wonderful book that gives a clear message about what life's really about. It truly is life's operation manual. Love This! Really enjoy this publication! Lots of wisdom here for our lives. Really appreciate what Tom Shadyac is offering to the world. You Want This One You definitely want to read this book. Life's Operating Manual is so engaging I read it in one sitting. I'm finding it hard not to gush over this one, it really grabbed me and wouldn't let go. Mr. Shadyac makes an incredible argument that competition is not our natural state. If we were hardwired for fighting, then he points out, our systems would flourish under those conditions. Of course the opposite is true, and stress is the number one killer of modern man. We never truly own anything, so why do we strive so hard to get more and more? To lead a simpler, more compassionate life makes a lot more sense than the direction most of us are heading. The fear truth dialogue technique at the end of each chapter is pretty darn cool. It's an amazing way of taking each idea further, and bouncing it back and forth, while viewing it from every possible angle. I first heard of Tom Shadyac when he was a guest on my favorite internet radio show, Whitley Strieber's Dreamland (). That interview led me to see his film "I Am", which was absolutely brilliant. This book goes much deeper into his philosophy, and his amazing story of how he went from directing blockbuster motion pictures to finding true happiness. Even though I have slightly differing views on God and "The Secret", I have to say this book blew me away. I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for review purposes.

Life's Operating Manual A manual that is expressed as a series of dialogues between the two wolves of fear and truth, with the author reflecting on the life experiences that led him to these deep internal meditations. It s suitable for any spiritual seeker. Full description

Titre: Life's Operating Manual With the Fear and Truth Dialogues
Auteur: Tom Shadyac
Editeur: Hay House UK Ltd
Reliure : Broche
Langue : Anglais
Publier en : Anglais
Languages d'origine : Anglais
Format : International Edition
Date de publication : 01/05/2013
Dimensions : 21,21 x 13,41 x 3,99
Nombre de pages : 272 pages
Classement : Livres anglais et étrangers > Subjects > Religion & Spirituality > Occult

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