FMF Pipe Fact 4.1 W/Ss Header Hon Crf/Xr50 '00-08 for Honda CRF 50F 79-2024
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FMF Pipe Fact 4.1 W/Ss Header Hon Crf/Xr50 '00-08
  • 4.1 design is FMF's most progressive development in high performance exhaust system yet and now available with titanium or carbon fiber silencer
  • Complete front to back system using performance matched components specifically designed for each model
  • Spark arrestor end cap available as an option
  • Product Type Exhaust
Catalog Details:
  • Catalog Part Number: 79-2024
  • Manufacturer Part Number: 041241
  • Catalog Reference: Western Powersports 2017 Offroad, Page 169

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