Hello eBayers!

Here we have a FULL SET of The Vintage Collection MOC (2010-12) which are all MOC UNCIRCULATED! The set includes all the San Diego Comic Con special sets and every card in The Vintage Collection line. They are graded MOC Uncirculated straight out of sealed Hasbro boxes.

There are a total of 151 Cards all individually sealed in Arcylic Cases from UKG.  Most of these uncirculated grades are U90s! Only a very few at U85s and some U95s!

This is very rare to get a full set of MOC that are graded uncirculated! A truly stunning set! This is the only set graded at UKG that is uncirculated set.

All cards come in with their plastic bags they all will be shipped in approx 16 boxes.

I have not taken a photo of all cards but the below is the list and grade results.  This is the only set that is U MOC Graded.

Photo 4 is the SDCC Death Star Set 14 cards includes the only available S.Crumb and Mouse Droid for the TVC set.  All 14 cards are of course Uncirculated.

Photo 8 is the SDCC Jar Jar Binks Set there is a total of 13 cards in that set 6x Blue Cards and 6x Normal TVC set plus special Jar Jar Binks in Carbonite only available for this set.  Again all uncirculated too.

The rest of the photos are from VC01-VC115 set.  

Not all cards are the same they are all different from different sets and normal VC01-VC115.  (ie Darth Vader on ESB Card and SW card, Boba Fett on SW and ESB Card etc)

No shipping to outside Europe its far too expensive. (postage is NOT free to Europe so please contact me if you wish to know the price for shipping to your country)  Postage is FREE to UK Customers.

Any questions im happy to answer them and monthly payment plan is fine as along as we both come to an agreement.


You get the graded Cards as below:

No. Figure Grade Done Grade Score
1 VC01 Dengar YES U90
2 VC02 Leia Hoth YES U90
3 VC03 Han Solo (Hangar) YES U90
4 VC03 Han Solo (Hangar) - FOIL CARD YES U90
5 VC04 Luke Bespin (Walking) - FOIL CARD YES U90
6 VC04 Luke Bespin (Walking)  YES U90
7 VC05 At At Commander  YES U90
8 VC06 C3P0 YES U90
9 VC07 Dack Ralter  YES U90
10 VC08 Darth Vader (Empire Strikes Back) YES U95
11 VC08 Darth Vader (Empire Strikes Back) - FOIL CARD YES U90
12 VC08 Darth Vader (Return Of The Jedi) YES U90
13 VC08 Darth Vader - SDCC Revenge of the Jedi YES U90
14 VC09 Boba Fett (Empire Strikes Back) - FOIL CARD YES U95
15 VC09 Boba Fett (Empire Strikes Back) YES U90
16 VC09 Boba Fett (Return of the Jedi) YES U90
17 VC09 Boba Fett - SDCC Revenge of the Jedi YES U90
18 VC10 4-Lom YES U90
19 VC11 Cloud Car Pilot YES U90
20 VC12 Darth Sidious  YES U90
21 VC13 Anakin Skywalker  YES U90
22 VC14 Sandtrooper YES U95
23 VC15 Clone Trooper - FOIL CARD YES U90
24 VC15 Clone Trooper YES U85
25 VC16 Obi Wan Kenobi (ROTS) - FOIL CARD YES U90
26 VC17 General Grievous YES U90
27 VC18 Magnaguard YES U90
28 VC18 Magnaguard - FOIL CARD YES U90
29 VC19 Clone Commander Cody  YES U90
30 VC19 Clone Commander Cody - FOIL CARD YES U90
31 VC20 Yoda  YES U90
32 VC21 Gamorrean Guard YES U90
33 VC22 Admiral Ackbar   YES U95
34 VC22 Admiral Ackbar - SDCC Revenge of the Jedi YES U90
35 VC23 Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight Endor Capture Picture) YES U90
36 VC23 Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight Jabba's Palace Picture) YES U90
37 VC23 Luke Skywalker (Endor Capture) - SDCC Revenge of the Jedi YES U90
38 VC24 Wooof   YES U90
39 VC25 R2-D2   YES U90
40 VC25 R2-D2 - SDCC Revenge of the Jedi YES U90
41 VC26 Rebel Commando (Black) - SDCC Revenge of the Jedi Card  YES U90
42 VC26 Rebel Commando (White) - Return of the Jedi Card YES U90
43 VC27 Wicket   YES U90
44 VC27 Wicket - SDCC Revege of the Jedi YES U90
45 VC28 Wedge Antilles  YES U95
46 VC29 Kit Fisto   YES U95
47 VC30 Zam Wessell YES U90
48 VC31 Obi-Wan Kenobi   YES U90
49 VC32 Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise) YES U90
50 VC33 Padme Amidal (Peasant Disguise) YES U90
51 VC34 Jango Fett YES U90
52 VC35 Mace Windu YES U90
53 VC36 Blue Senate Guard (Full Body Picture) YES U85
54 VC36 Blue Senate Guard (Face Picture) YES U85
55 VC37 Super Battle Droid YES U90
56 VC38 Clone Trooper (212th Battalion) YES U85
57 VC39 Luke Skywalker (Death Star Escape)  YES U95
58 VC40 R5-D4 YES U95
59 VC41 Stormtrooper (ESB) YES U90
60 VC41 Stormtrooper (ROTJ) YES U95
61 VC41 Stormtrooper - SDCC Revenge of the Jedi YES U90
62 VC42 Han Solo (Yavin Ceremony)   YES U95
63 VC43 Commander Gree YES U85
64 VC44 Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Landing)   YES U90
65 VC45 Clone Trooper YES U90
66 VC46 AT-RT Driver   YES U90
67 VC47 General Lando Calrissian  YES U90
68 VC48 Weequay (Skiff Master)   YES U90
69 VC49 Fi-Ek Sirch    YES U90
70 VC50 Han Solo Bespin  YES U90
71 VC51 Barriss Offee (Jedi Padawan) YES U95
72 VC52 Rebel Fleet Trooper  YES U90
73 VC53 Bom Vimdin (Cantina Patron) YES U95
74 VC54 Arc Trooper Commander   YES U90
75 VC55 Logray (Ewok Medicine Man)   YES U90
76 VC56 Kithaba YES U95
77 VC57 Dr Corneilius Evazan YES U95
78 VC58 Aayla Secura YES U90
79 VC59 Nom Anor YES U90
80 VC60 Clone Trooper 501st YES U95
81 VC61 Boba Fett Mail Away Prototype - Without Mail Away Box YES U95
82 VC62 Han Solo Trenchcoat YES U95
83 VC62 Han Solo Trenchcoat - SDCC Revenge of the Jedi YES U90
84 VC63 B-Wing Pilot (Keyan Farlander)  YES U95
85 VC63 B-Wing Pilot (Keyan Farlander) - SDCC Revenge of the Jedi YES U90
86 VC64 Princess Leia Slave YES U95
87 VC64 Princess Leia Slave - SDCC Revenge of the Jedi YES U90
88 VC65 Tie Fighter Pilot  YES U90
89 VC65 Tie Fighter Pilot - SDCC Revenage of the Jedi YES U95
90 VC66 Mouse Droid YES U90
91 VC67 Salacious Crumb YES U90
92 VC68 Rebel Soldier (Echo Base Battle Gear) YES U90
93 VC69 Bastilla Shan YES U90
94 VC70 Ponda Baba (Walrus Man)   YES U90
95 VC71 Mawhonic YES U95
96 VC72 Naboo Pilot YES U95
97 VC73 Aurra Sing YES U95
98 VC74 Gungan Warrior YES U90
99 VC75 Qui-Gon (Final Battle)   YES U90
100 VC76 Obi-Wan (Final Battle)   YES U90
101 VC77 Ratts Tyerell & Pit Droid  YES U90
102 VC78 Battle Droid    YES U90
103 VC79 Darth Sidious  YES U90
104 VC80 Anakin (Padawan)  YES U90
105 VC81 Ben Quadinaros YES U95
106 VC82 Daultay Dofine YES U90
107 VC83 Naboo Royal Guard YES U90
108 VC84 Queen Amidala  YES U90
109 VC85 Quinlan Vos  YES U90
110 VC86 Darth Maul  YES U90
111 VC87 Luke Skywalker Lightsaber Construction  YES U90
112 VC88 Princess Leia Sandstorm YES U95
113 VC89 Lando Calrissian Sandstorm  YES U95
114 VC90 Rebel Trooper Colonel Cracken  YES U90
115 VC91 A Wing Pilot  YES U90
116 VC92 Anakin Skywalker (The Clone Wars) YES U90
117 VC93 Darth Vader (A New Hope) YES U90
118 VC94 Imperial Navy Trooper YES U95
119 VC95 Luke Skywalker (Hoth) YES U95
120 VC96 Darth Malgus (The Old Republic) YES U95
121 Rocket Firing Boba Fett - Mail Away / Without Mail Away Box YES U90
122 Rocket Firing Boba Fett - Mail Away / With Mail Away Box YES U90
123 VC97 Clone Pilot Davijaan (Oddball) YES U95
124 VC98 Grand Moff Tarkin YES U90
125 VC99 Nikto YES U95
126 VC100 Galen Marek (The Force Unleashed II) YES U95
127 VC101 Shae Vizsla YES U90
128 VC102 Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars) YES U95
129 VC103 Obi Wan Kenobi (The Clone Wars) YES U90
130 VC104 Lumat YES U95
131 VC105 Emperor's Royal Guard YES U90
132 VC106 Nien Numb YES U90
133 VC107 Weequay (Hunter) YES U90
134 VC108 Jar Jar Binks YES U90
135 VC109 Clone Trooper Lieutenant YES U90
136 VC110 Shock Trooper YES U90
137 VC111 Leia Organa (Bepsin) YES U90
138 VC112 Sand Trooper with Patrol Droid YES U95
139 VC113 Republic Trooper YES U90
140 VC114 Orrimarko (Prune Face) YES U90
141 VC115 Darth Vader (Emperor's Wrath) YES U95
142 SDCC 2012 Lost Wave Jar Jar Binks in Carbonite YES U90
143 SDCC 2012 Lost Wave Blue Card Jar Jar Binks YES U90
144 SDCC 2012 Lost Wave Blue Card Clone Trooper Lieutenant YES U90
145 SDCC 2012 Lost Wave Blue Card Shock Trooper YES U90
146 SDCC 2012 Lost Wave Blue Card Leia Organa (Bespin) YES U90
147 SDCC 2012 Lost Wave Blue Card Sand Trooper with Patrol Droid YES U90
148 SDCC 2012 Lost Wave Blue Card Darth Vader (Emperor's Wrath) YES U90
149 SDCC 2010 4-LOM/Zuckuss Bounty Hunter Pack 2-Card Set - 4-LOM YES U90
150 SDCC 2010 4-LOM/Zuckuss Bounty Hunter Pack 2-Card Set - ZUCKUSS YES U85
151 JoCasta Nu - Brian's Toys Exclusive YES U90

Thanks for looking!