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Amazon Dropshipping website


Be in Business for yourself, but not by yourself.


How would you like your share of the profits from a £108 Billion marketplace?

It’s Amazon, of course. But did you know they will pay you for sending buyers to their marketplace by Social media, Email marketing, Google, Word of Mouth or any other (legal) means you see fit?


We help you get started on your Amazon journey!


With our Amazon Affiliate niche Site plus our Done-for-You marketing package, included in every sale, we ensure you cannot fail. We’ve noticed some sellers who only churn out basic cookie-cutter sites and leave you to do it all yourself, we go as far as possible to ensure your success.


Here’s what happens when you place your order with us:


We build you a website


We load your choice of niche products


We set up your social media pages


We include a 10 keyword 12 month SEO package – so get you ranked on Google


We post 10 of your products to your social media pages.


We write 1000 (300-700 word) articles every 3 months, during your first year, around your chosen keywords.


We set up your email marketing system, to capture email address of visitors so you can re-market to them.


We give you access to our email marketing platform, so you can send 5000 emails per week, plus 20 000 consumer email records to market to, to help you get started bringing in revenue.


We set up a second and third revenue stream on your site.


Your only ingoing fees are domain name renewal every year, and website hosting every month.


Do not make the mistake of underestimating the potential of an Amazon Affiliate site combined with our marketing package.


So, what is the process?

Website Setup



Firstly, We will buy you a related domain name (.co.uk or .com) associated with the products of your Amazon Affiliate website. This ensures you get GOOD rankings in Google. (If you have a domain name that you already own, FANTASTIC then we are more than happy to use that for your website.)


 Next, we will design you a World-Class, fully responsive, website WHICH WILL BE 100% UNIQUE with the following pages:

·                              Home

·                              About Us

·                              Contact Us

·                              Blog

·                              Privacy Policy

·                              Shop

·                              Cart

·                              Checkout


Next, we will show you how to open an Amazon Affiliate account, to allow you to bank the HUGE commissions that you should soon be earning from your new AMAZON Affiliate WEBSITE. The commissions will vary from 5% to 10% for EVERY SINGLE ITEM sold on your site. Amazon will pay these directly to YOUR bank account.

We will ensure your site is set up with a 90-day cookie, so that if people buy from Amazon within 90 days of visiting YOUR affiliate site YOU GET PAID! Even if they buy a product you weren’t offering!


Next we will add up to 1,0000,000 products into your website from authorised Amazon suppliers. (Some NICHES have only a few hundred products and some have 1,000,000 products + )


Due to API limits with Amazon products we will add as many products to your amazon website as the API will allow per month this is normally around 100,000 this may vary this will be done by our website design team over the course of 3-12 months .....

Next we will make sure that when your site is launched it is fully search engine optimised, to hugely increase your chances of getting FASTER Google rankings quickly.


Next we will also add a fully-working, simple to use PayPal payment and checkout system on your site, to allow you to add your own products at any time, with just a few simple mouse clicks. 

(Note, you will never have to add products at any time in the future, it is just an added option for you). 

Next We build your site with an SSL certificate. You may not know what that is right now, but you’ll thank us when you discover that Google is actively de-indexing sites that don’t have SSL certificates


We are invested in your success, and include Bronze support & bronze hosting for your first 30 days from launch.


Done For You Marketing

Our complete marketing package includes



Email Marketing,

Social media Page setup

Social Media Marketing,

Article Writing


We INCLUDE a feature packed SEO bundle for your site. This includes off-site backlink building activity every month for 12 MONTHS from our SEO COMPANY. This sells elsewhere for £400 per MONTH but you get this FREE when you buy this listing. That’s a HUGE saving of £4,800! PER YEAR!


Next we will then add an email subscriber system which will tempt your website visitors who are expressing their interest in YOUR PRODUCTS, into leaving their details on your site. 

(This feature alone is worth more than the cost of the site). 


Next we give you access to our email marketing platform, allowing you to send 5000 emails to your customers every week. On top of that we give you 20 000 hot consumer lead data to generate initial traffic and activity for your site

Next we will then add social sharing buttons to your site to help your site and products go viral on sites such as Facebook and Twitter.


Next we will setup a FACEBOOK page for your website and design you a cover image and give you HELP and support in promoting your Amazon products to the whole of FACEBOOK.  That’s over 700 MILLION USERS+ !

Next we will write 4000 Articles packed with unique keyword rich content so that Google will index your site as highly relevant for your chosen niche. We deliver these in batches of 1,000 every 3 months for 12 months.


Multiple Revenue Streams


3 revenue streams,

Amazon commission

Google Adsense,

Lead generation system


The products on your site will be   delivered to your client by AMAZON   - You never touch anything, you never have to buy stock or take payment from a   client. All you do is watch for your monthly commission commissions as they   start rolling in. You'll earn between 5% and 8% depending on your level of   monthly sales. It's a good feeling to see the money start to roll in.


Google AdSense   is legendary, and your site is AdSense-ready. Quite simply, if somebody just CLICKS on an advert on your site   then you make money - JUST for the click.

You don't have to sell ANYTHING - So   even people who do nothing other than browse on your site will make you money.   You'll earn anywhere from a few pence (cents) to a few pounds (dollars) PER   CLICK depending on the niche you are in. AdSense is the lazy way to make money   online.


Your site has a world-acclaimed list building system installed. When visitors join your mailing list you will be able to send out 20,000 FREE emails a month, driving people back to your website - and you won't have to pay a single penny for doing so. It has been said for many years that THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST!!!.

Access to additional Marketing Tools & Support


Need a faster BUILD TIME?

24 Hours Build Time = Ebay LISTNG FEE + £59.99

72 Hours Build TIME = Ebay LISTING FEE + £49.99

10 Days Build Time = Ebay Listing + £29.99


Bronze –          £5/month,   Ticket Support, (10/month)

Silver –            £10/month, Ticket Support, (25/month), 30 minutes live chat 

Gold -              £25/month, Ticket support, (Unlimited), 3 hours live chat, 6 hour response guarantee

Titanium -       £50/month, ticket Support, (unlimited), 6 hours phone support, Priority Response


Hosting                                  Emails             Storage            Bandwidth       Products

Bronze –          £5/month,       1                      5Gb                  100Gb              5000

Silver –            £10/month,     5                      25Gb                300Gb              25 000

Gold -              £15/month,     10                    50Gb                500Gb              100 000

Titanium -       £20/month,     100                  Unltd               Unlimited        1 000 000

We like to take our TIME to build every website that is BROUGHT to make sure you can EARN the best ROI in the FASTEST TIME FRAME. 


We have seen so many 24 hour BUILD times and these websites are often very POOR and wont EARN you any INCOME.


·         Q. Can I have a website that targets the USA market i.e. pays in $$$

A. Yes we can build our sites to target the UK(GBP) USA(USD) CANADA (CAD) GERMANY / FRANCE / SPAIN / ITALY (EURO) ETC .... 

·         Q. What happens after I buy?

A. We will send you an email with a link to our signup process for your website. You get to choose a domain name and what hosting options (if any) you want.

·         Q. What happens after I signup?

A. We will provide you full instructions on how to apply for the affiliate accounts. This should only take you about 5 minutes. We will then install the codes onto the site for you.

·         Q. Do I need experience with websites to run this?

A. No you do not. We have made these websites as user friendly as possible. Yes there is a learning curve BUT we have hours on hours of tutorial videos for beginners right up to advanced users. The website is based on Wordpress a very popular blogging platform with millions of users worldwide helping each other out with their sites.

·         Q. Do I need to know SEO?

A. We provide you with full complete access to the website – it’s yours after all. From here you can do anything you want with the website. The products descriptions can be unique and all set on AUTO-PILOT. We will also rank 10 Keywords for you on page 1 of google.

·         Q. Can you run the website for me?

A. Yes we can please contact us to find out more please be aware you will be paying £100 + per month for this option otherwise we will help you to be able to promote this website yourself using the above explained marketing methods.

·         Q. Can I edit the website

A. Yes the website is based on the Wordpress platform. The website comes with its own control panel allowing you to customise many aspects of the website and adding content is a very easy process. 

·         Q. How long does it take for my website to be online?

A. We aim to get all websites online within 30 days of ordering. For the website to be complete i.e. with your affiliate codes depends on the amount of time it takes you to apply (we help) and get the information we need back to us. If you would like your website faster please give us a call and we can help you out.

·         Q. I want you to make changes are there extra fees?

A. If the job is small then there will be no fee as long as you host with us. If we need to charge a fee for additional work we will notify how much it will be before we start any work.

·         Q. Can I sell this website for money?

A. You are 100% the owner of this website and domain name. You can sell this website if you wish. Typically a website sells for 10x its monthly profit.

·         Q. Can I run this website anywhere?

A. Yes you can run this website anywhere in the world. You will need to signup to whatever Amazon affiliate account suits you best but the actual website can be run from any country. 

·         Q. Does it really make money?

A. These are not GET RICH QUICK websites. They require some time on your part to make them profitable i.e. promotion etc. We have many clients who have been with us for years making a good living from sites we setup for them. 

·         Q. What GUARANTEES do you offer?

A. We promise you will receive everything offered here and more. We will share with you the SECRETS that are used to dominate niches. You can then rinse and repeat these secrets across multiple niches.

·         Q. How do I get paid?

A. Amazon, Google, and most of the other advertisers pay you directly into your bank account or via a cheque in the post.

·         Q. Refund Clause

A. There are some hard costs associated with the setup of your website, like the domain name and the time spent by our team in building your site and its unique content. If we fail to deliver your site within the prescribed timescale you can receive a 100% refund.




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