5 Meters Magnetic Tape with self adhesive backing

Sticky on one side magnetic on the other a + b magnetise toward each other

It comes in a complete length of 5 meters x 12.5mm x 1.5mm or 5 meters x 25.4mm x 1.5mm

You need both sides of this tape to use it effectively. Use 25mm on the wall or surface and 12mm to the picture or item for best results

Easy to cut with scissors ideal for crafts,  point of sale.  The adhesive backed magnetic tape can be used for a host of mounting applications - particularly for the point of sale and exhibition industries. The high tack foam backing performs excellently well, espaecially if you are bonding to uneven surfaces. Available in A and B profiles, this magnetic tape attracts to eachother. The B profile can be identified with a thin groove running down the length of the roll.

Make anything magnetic with this high quality flexible rubber magnetic tape. Supplied with a high quality adhesive simply peel off the backing film and stick to the desired surface

Can be cut with scissors

Why Type A and B      The A and B refers to the polarity so type A will attach to type B

Type A on Type A or Type B on Type B would repell each other.

Both Type "A" and Type "B" are perfectly fine if being stuck to a metal or magneticly receptive material

Please remember that it is the responsibility of the purchaser to determine the suitability of these products and that they are fit for purpose for use in their particular application.

Please feel free to contact us with any problems or questions about this product