This is an Official Marvel Comics PRINTER'S PROOF PAGE used in the direct production of the "Mutant X" issue 12 comic book. Mutant X is of course the series starring Havok from the Uncanny X-Men, and Marvel's Production Staff created these color proof pages to check for errors before the actual comic book went to press. This Marvel proof art page shows alternate-reality (different costumed) versions of Marvel Universe characters like Havok, the Beast, Iceman, Storm, the Angel/Archangel, etc.

This proof page measures around the same size as the published comic book, and proof pages sometimes have editorial staff markings on them, which is completely normal for production artwork.

NOTE: Printers proofs are different from original comic art and colorist's artwork (color guide art). Much like original artwork and color guide pages, printer proofs were also vital in the production of the actual comic book. Printer's proofs are usually xerox photo-copies created by the production staff or by the printers for quality control purposes before printing the actual comic books. This description is (C) RLC.


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