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The Zeebrugge Raid, St. George's Day, 1918, in which the author won the VC.

A full and exciting account of the Zeebrugge raid, on St. George's Day, April 23rd, 1918, in which the author won the VC - one of eight won in the raid. The raid, one of the Great War's most daring naval exploits, was designed to close off the German-occupied Belgian port of Zeebrugge, a principal base for the U-boat packs that were preying on British shipping. The brainchild of Admiral Sir Roger Keyes, the raid followed months of meticulous planning, which, together with two abortive early attempts, are detailed in the first part of Carpenter's book. The second part of the book deals with the raid itself and the famous fight for possession of the mole controlling Zeebrugge harbour by troops landed from the cruiser HMS Vindictive. The book details the disappointing results of the smokescreen laid down to campouflage the raid and the successful sinking of the three concrete-filled British blockships, Thetis, Intrepid and Iphignia in the Zeebrugge harbour channel, and makes high claims for both the material and morale results of the raid, which cost 500 British casualties, including around 200 dead. The morale lift to allied spirits of the bold attack, coming at the height of the German Spring offensives in 1918, were probably more important than in achieving its desired results. The book is accompanied by forewords from Admirals Beatty and Sims, and by Marshal Foch, supreme Allied Generalissimo in 1918. It is accompanied by five dramatic drawings of the raid by the artist Charles De Lacey, and by some forty photographs, including ‘before and after' reconnaissance aerial shots of the damage done, and eight charts, maps and plans of Zeebrugge port and its environs. Also accompanied by an appendix listing the ships and forces involved in the raid, and by an index.

