Get Off Scatter Crystals to stop Dogs and Cats Fouling On Your Lawn

Get Off My Garden Cat and Dog Repellent is made of jelly like crystals that are effective in all weather conditions, slowly releasing a strong highly scented odour which confuses both cats' and dogs' sense of smell.
Over a period of weeks, they will be trained to move away from the treated areas to those where they can detect evidence of previous fouling odours.

Get Off My Garden Crystals are a safe and humane way to prevent cats, dogs, and other furry fiends from fowling on your lawn and flowerbeds. 
An equally capable cat or dog repellent come rain, wind, or shine, simply dispose of any fouling, wash the area with clean water, and scatter the gel crystals on the ground.

A light scattering of crystals is all that’s necessary on lawns. Get Off My Garden Crystals are also suitable to discourage digging, a freshly dug patch may only require one application to become totally effective. 
Fouled areas can take several treatments to completely eradicate the issue.