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Little White Lies Magazine  


May/June 2012

The Midnight Movies Double Bill issue

The Midnight Double. This is a wraparound cover: a different film for the front and the back, “The Raid,” and “The Innkeepers.” The magazine is split dead center, so you get two covers for the price of one.


William Friedkin gets close to the bone with Killer Joe; Alejandro Brugués survives Juan of the Dead; Jason Statham is Safe; Mia Hansen-Løve whispers Goodbye First Love; Tahar Rahim abets Free Men; Julie Delpy spends 2 Days in New York; Ken Loach divvies up The Angels' Share; Will Ferrell goes gringo in Casa di me Padre; Béla Tarr tames The Turin Horse; Aleksandr Sokurov interprets Faust; and Michel Ocelot brings Tales of the Night to life.

Inspired by our feature films: 
Director’s commentary: 
Gareth Evans takes us through the movies and memories that inspired The Raid.

Greatest Hits: 
Three of the world’s top fight choreographer’s discuss their favourite onscreen moments.

Second opinion: 
A medical professional gives a prognosis on the real-life consequences of movie violence.

The First Action Hero: 
We reveal the identity of the early pioneers of onscreen violence.

Tainted Love: 
In an exclusive essay, Ti West recalls how he joined the ranks of horror auteurdom.

The (Un)Making of Horror: 
Meet the directors who faced hell and high water to make their dream nightmare movies.

Bonded by Blood: 
Inside the strange sodality of the horror fan.

Here by Monsters: 
Writer and mythographer Marina Warner traces the cultural origins of our fears.

Plus exclusive interviews with: 
Béla Tarr, Michel Ocelot, Ben Rivers and Mia Hansen-Løve.