The Fighting Tomahawk: An Illustrated Guide to Using the Tomahawk and Long Knife as Weapons von Dwight C. McLemore

The Fighting Tomahawk: An Illustrated Guide to Using the Tomahawk and Long Knife as Weapons von Dwight C. McLemore

Art Nr.: 1581604416

ISBN 13: 9781581604412

ReleaseYear: 2004

Published by: PALADIN PR

Cover: Taschenbuch

Cover Format: 277x213x20 mm

Pages: 284

Weight: 816 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Dwight C. McLemore


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The low-tech, high-impact tomahawk has been carried in every American war, including Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. Here the author traces the origins of the tomahawk and uses his dynamic drawings to show how it can be utilized singly or with the long knife in both offensive and defensive encounters. Includes fighting scenarios, throwing lessons and applications of the war club.
Information of Author
Dwight C. McLemore is a retired combat arms officer with the U.S. Army and is an accomplished bladesman and instructor. He is renowned for his vast knowledge of Bowie and big-knife fighting and has more than 18 years of experience in self-defense and martial arts. The owner of the School of Two Swords, McLemore is rated expert level with the American Knife Congress, is certified in kung fu and holds 1st dan in kendo.