OLYMPUS OM system ZUIKO 24mm F2 

Super fast wide angle lens for OM1,OM2,OM3,OM3ti,OM4,OM4ti,OM10,OM20, etc.

May be used with digital cameras, e.g. Micro 4/3 with suitable adaptor.

Very rare f2 variant. Looks to have had very little use.

In superb condition, optics are nice and clear no fungus and only the very light haze visible. Wouldn't affect the images. Focus is smooth, aperture is fast throughout all f stops.

Complete with front and rear OM caps and an original Olympus 55mm skylight 1A filter.

Low start and NO RESERVE.

Royal Mail Special Delivery in the UK or to the mailing centre for overseas buyers via the Global Shipping Program.