Brooke Bond Complete Sets for sale to Buy Individually,  Please read description against each Set

If not happy I will offer a full refund


Gorilla, Mantled Baboon, Chimpanzee, Mandrill, Patas Monkey, Colobus Monkey, Sykes Monkey, Bushy Tailed Galago, Ringed Tailed Lemur, Lion, Cheetah, Leopard, Caracal, Genet, Serval, Banded Mongoose, Zorilla, Ratel. Porcupine, Jumping Hare, Ground Squirrel, Rock Hyrax, Fennec Fox, African Hunting Dog, Black Backed Jackal, Spotted Hyena, Buffalo, Barbary Sheep, Zebra, Brindled Gnu or Wildebeest, Cokes Hartebeest, Giraffe, Okapi, Bongo, Eland, Kudo, Sable Antelope, Oryx, Impala, Thomsons Gazelle, Grants Gazelle, Klipspringer, Hippopotamus, Elephant, Black Rhinoceros, Wart Hog, Red River Hog, Aardvark, Giant Pangolin & Nile Crocodile.


Tupai or Tree Shrew, Orangutan, Agile Gibbon, Proboscis Monkey, Hanuman Monkey, Slender Loris, Tarsier, Cobego, Malay Fruit Bat, Indian Lion, Tiger, Clouded Leopard, Panther, Snow Leopard, Indian Civet, Siberian Chipmunk, Indian Mongoose, Yarkand Jerboa, Indian Giant Squirrel, Giant Panda, Red Panda, Sloth Bear, Striped Hyena, Wolf, Indian Wild Dog or Dhole, Indian Fox, Gaur, Indian Buffalo, Takin, Argali, Markhor, Tahr, Blackbuck, Saiga, Nilgai, Goitred Gazelle, Indian Chevrotain, Chital, Muntjak, Kiang, Mongolian Wild Horse, Malay Tapir, Asiatic Elephant, Indian Rhinoceros, Bactrian Camel, Babirusa, Indian Wild Pig, Dugong, Indian Gharial & Starred Tortoise.


Speckled Wood, Wall, Small Mountain Ringlet, Scotch Argus, Marbled White, Grayling, Meadow Brown, Hedge Brown, Small Heath, Large Heath, Ringlet, Small Pearl-Bordered Fritillary, Dark Green Fritillary, High Brown Fritillary, Silver Washed Fritillary, Marsh Fritillary, Heath Fritillary, Glanville Fritillary, Red Admiral, Painted Lady, Small Tortoiseshell, Large Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Camberwell Beauty, Comma, Purple Emperor, White Admiral, Swallow-Tail, Duke of Burgandy Fritillary, Brown Argus, Chalkhill Blue, Adonis Blue, Holly Blue, Large Blue, Small Copper, Green Hairstreak, Brown Hairstreak, Purple Hairstreak, Wood White, Large White, Small White, Green-Veined White, Orange Tip, Clouded Yellow, Pale Clouded Yellow, Brimstone, Small Skipper, Chequered Skipper, Silver-Spotted Skipper & Grizzled Skipper.


Bateleur Eagle, Crested Hornbill, Levaillant's Barbet, Shoebill, African Jacana, Peach or Rosy-Faced Lovebird, African Pigmy Goose, Painted Snipe, Purple-Crested Turaco, Paradise Whydah, Red Bishop Bird, Red-Billed Quelea, Violet-Eared Waxbill, Angolan Pitta, Lilac Breasted Roller, Fish Eagle, Southern Carmine Bee-Eater, Lesser Double-Collared Sunbird, Sun Gem, Ornate Umbrella Bird, Toco Toucan, Rufous or Red-Tailed Jacamar, Scarlet Macaw, Scarlet Cock of the Rock, Blue-Grey Tanager, Cuban Trogon, Scarlet Ibis, White-Tailed, Tropic Bird, Blue-Hooded Euphonia, King Condor, Sun Bittern, Rosy Flamingo, White-Faced Whistling Duck, Magnificent Frigate Bird, Indian Darter, Fairy Blue Bird, Orange-Bellied Chloropsis, Indian Crested Swift, Ceylon Emerald Dove, Orange Minvet, Painted Bush-Quail, Lovely Wren, Java Sparrow, Gouldian Finch, Leadbeater's Cockatoo, Radjah Shelduck, Red-Sided Parrot, Victoria Crowned Pigeon, Red Bird of Paradise & Wilson's Bird of Paradise.

Incredible Creatures IN GOOD TO VERY GOOD CONDITION, all 3 Versions

Giant Earthworm, Etruscan Shrew, Trapdoor Spider, Spiny Anteater, Naked Mole Rat, Pencil Lead Snake, Leaf-Cutting Ants, Lungfish, Texas Blind Salamander, Rabbit-Eared Bandicoot, Garden Eels, Deep-Sea Jellyfish, Deep-Sea Angler Fish, Deep-Sea Scaly Dragonfish, Weedy Sea Dragon, Giant Clam, Lion's Mane Jellyfish, Clown Shrimp, Luminous Squid, Cleaner Fish, Robber Crab, Arrow Poison Frog, Underground Elephant, Bee Orchid, Japanese Macaque, Spadefoot Toad, Babirusa Wild Pig, Praying Mantis, Moon Rat, Wolf Spider, Paradise Tree Snake, Atlas Moth, Secretary Bird, False-Headed Butterfly, Flying Squirrel, Frog-Eating Bat, Bumblebee Bat, Bee Hummingbird, White-Bellied Go-Away Bird & Weaver Bird.

Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles   IN EXCELLENT + CONDITION  very clean cards


Bird Portraits LOT 1 (1set)   These cards are in good to very good condition, some minor corner knocks for each of these sets the number 50 card is not as good as the others, I've tried to show this in the Photograph.

Bird Portraits LOT 2 ( 1 Set)  These cards are in very good condition

Raven, Jay, Magpie, Starling, Song Thrush, Fieldfare, House Sparrow, Goldfinch, Bullfinch, Greenfinch, Yellowhammer, Willow Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Stonechat, Wheatear, Great Tit, Wren, Swallow, House Martin, Grey Wagtail, Green Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Kingfisher, Wood Pigeon, Cuckoo, Lapwing, Ringed Plover, Redshank, Snipe, Red Grouse, Partridge, Golden Eagle, Buzzard, Peregrine Falcon, Barn Owl, Little Owl, Water Rail, Great Crested Grebe, White Fronted Goose, Sheld Duck, Teal, Red Breasted Merganser, Tufted Duck, Fulmar Petrel, Razorbill, Gannet, Great Black Bakced Gull, Black Headed Gull & Roseate Tern.

Wild Flowers Series 2 In Good to Very good condition

Lesser Celandine, Wood Anemone, Butterbur, Daffodil, Periwinkle, Wild Garlic, Vernal Squill, Purple Saxifrage, Early Purple Orchis, Yellow Flag, Water Crowfoot, Cowslip, Globe Flower, Pasque Flower, Marsh Helleborine, Wild Arum, Grass of Parnassus, Bee Orchid, Marsh Orchid, Arrow Head, Sundew, Butterwort, Sweet Violet, Yellow or Biting Stonecrop, Burnet Rose, Amphibious Persicaria, White Water Lily, Yellow Water Lily, Centaury, Rock Samphire, Sea Pink, Sea Lavender, Horned Poppy, Sea Holly, Foxglove, Greater Bindweed, Soapwort, Columbine, Herb Robert, Chicory, Ragged Robin, Henbane, Tufted Vetch, House Leek, Wall Pennywort, Tansy, Rose Bay Willow Herb, Carline Thistle, Purple Loosestrife& Meadow Saffron.

Freshwater Fish in Good to very Good Condition

Barbel, Gudgeon, Common Carp, Crucian Carp, Mirror Carp, Goldfish, Dace, Golden Orfe, Chub, Bronze Bream, Silver Bream, Bleak, Roach, Rudd, Tench, Minnow, Stone Loach, Spiny Loach, Wels or European Catfish, Houting, Char, Grayling, Sea Trout, Sea Trout Smolt, Brown Trout, Brook, Trout, Rainbow Trout, Trout Parr, Powan, Smelt, Salmon, Twaite Shad, Allis Shad, Pike, Ten-Spined Stickleback, Three-Spined Stickleback, Burbot, Sea Lamprey, Yellow Eel, Silver Eel, Lampern, Bullhead, Pike-Perch, Sturgeon, Flounder, Grey Mullets, Black Bass Large Mouth, Bass, Ruff & Perch.

Olympic Challenge  in Excellent Condition

Paavo Murmi, Jesse Owens, Fanny Blankers-Koen, Bob Mathias, Emil Zatopek, Franz Klammer, Eric Heiden, John Curry, Torvil and Dean, Matti Nykanen, Muhammed Ali aka Cassius Clay, Mary Rand, Bob Beamon, David Hemery, Lasse Viren, Vikto Saneyev, Sabastian Coe, Daley Thompson, Carl Lewis, Ed Moses, Florence Griffith-Joyner, Olga Korbut, Nadia Comaneci, Vasily Alexeyev, Alexandr Dityatin, Mark Spitz, Shane Gould, David Wilkie, Greg Louganis, Matt Biondi, Tracy Ruiz and Candy Costee, Tennis, Olympic Flame, Barcelona Stadium, Linford Christie, Colin Jackson, Peter Elliott, Steve Backley, Yvonne Murray & Liz McColgan.