Planet of the Apes The Human War (2001) 1B VF

Published 2001 by Dark Horse

Grade: VF

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Comic Book Grading Scale

This is a mid grade item. It will have a few minor defects and will generally appear to be in "slightly used" but not "roughly used" condition. Defects allowed on an item in this grade may include minor corner wear (bends and blunting), small/light accumulation of dents, bends or folds, and light spine wear. Most comics, magazines, and books published in the last 30 years that have been read one or more times but carefully handled and stored will fall in this grade range.

For more information, please see our comic book grading standards.

Photo cover variant. by IAN EDGINTON, PACO MEDINA, and JUAN VLASCO; cover by J. SCOTT CAMPBELL Several decades after human astronaut Leo Davidson's adventure on the ape world, ape society has been torn apart from within by a horrible civil war that's erupted between ape rebels advocating human integration and the fearful but powerful ape regime. Is the ape Seneca and his scattered but loyal followers of humans and apes enough to defeat the charismatic Shiva and her imposing ape army? The conflict has reached a bloody stalemate. But Shiva has a deadly secret that will end the war...and wipe out mankind! After all, the only good human is a dead human! Issue #1 (of 3) Cover A: FC, 32pg (1 of 3) (Campbell cover) . . . $2.99 Cover B: FC, 32pg (1 of 3) (Photo cover) . . . $2.99 Trade paperback On sale July 18 SC, 72pg, FC . . . $9.95

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