|| Jimmy Brown's Sublist Secrets Revealed ||

How To Increase Your Monthly Profits
By Using "Tightly Targeted" Sublists

Discover How To Pull In More And More Profits
Every Month With Very Small, Specialized Lists

From the Computer of Jimmy D. Brown
Thursday, 10:13 AM
Re: How Small Lists Can Mean BIG Profits

Dear List Builder,

You've been lied to. Well, not exactly lied to, but you haven't been told the whole truth about one of the most critical parts of building wealth online.

That's right, for years now folks have been withholding valuable information from you about generating profits with none other than email marketing.

Everyone agrees that marketing through email is a vital part of online business. And most everyone will point you towards the fact that you need to have your very own ezine (AKA "email newsletter") in order to achieve success online.

So far, so good.

But, that's usually where the commentary ends. The video stops. There are no more pages in the eBook. It's over. Finished. End of discussion. You need a newsletter.

And that's where most folks leave it.

And in doing so ...

Thousands of dollars in extra profits are
thrown away every month because folks
make this same mistake over and over

They simply think that email marketing = publishing a newsletter. And that's nowhere near being the truth.

Email marketing is much more than simply publishing a newsletter. You will never pull in the most profits that you can online by publishing a newsletter. It's impossible.

You need lists -- that's plural. You need more than an ezine, you need an army of sublists that all bring in money for you.

And I'm going to show you how to quickly and easily begin to build these sublists, and exactly how to profit from them. Inside Sublist Secrets Revealed you're going to discover...

  • Exactly what a "tightly targeted" list is and how it can mean more money in your pocket each month than your largest newsletter list is bringing in right now. I make more money from one of my smallest lists each month than I do my largest list. I'll explain why there's no reason you can't duplicate my success.
  • 5 simple, proven rules that you absolutely must go by when building these sublists if you want to make the most money possible each month with email marketing. HINT:  If you blow it on just one of these rules, then you'll be kissing profits goodbye.
  • How a list of 325 subscribers can bring in more profits than a 500,000 powerhouse list ... (Yes, that's a small 325 subscriber list toppling over a heavyweight list of almost half a million subscribers!)
  • The one thing you must do that will ALWAYS allow you to make more money with a list. Get this right and you are guaranteed to make more money that not doing it ... and if you make this mistake, you are positive to miss out on profits.
  • 5 wildly profitable kinds of "tightly targeted" lists that you can begin building today in as little as five minutes of setup time! Revealed: A close examination of each kind of sublist and how they can be used to bring in profits like clockwork.
  • 23 incredible ideas to focus on in building your sublists, including specific case study examples that you can mimic to create your own avalance of profits. You'll discover almost 2 dozen ideas ... most of which you can begin using in the next 24 hours.
  • A fool-proof, anyone-can-use-this, 3-step system for actually making money with sublists. You'll learn more than just ideas for building sublists, you'll learn exactly how to profit from these "tightly targeted" lists.

Let me repeat: email marketing is much more than simply publishing a newsletter. It's time the truth came out. It's time you heard the "complete story". And that's what I am going to share with you in Sublist Secrets Revealed.

Here's your chance to "listen in" on a
private "member's only" presentation

When I decided to put together my internet marketing Coaching Club, I wanted to provide new members with a private "member's only" presentation on email marketing as kind of a bonus for enrolling in it.

That's why I recorded Sublist Secrets Revealed. It's a three session audio clinic that you can download below in digital audio to listen to on your computer. [Note: A complete eBook transcript is included in your download.]

I decided to do something different for my Coaching Club presentation, so only a handful of folks ever heard this presentation as it was being recorded.

It's kind of like a "lost episode" of one of your favorite television programs.

And for the first time ever, I'm making it available to the public.

There are three audio sessions included in the presentation, and each one is packed with useful information on building monthly profits through sublists...



Session 1: How to Build the Right Foundation. This opening session introduces the idea of "tightly targeted" lists and how it fits into the overall game plan for profiting through email marketing. Complete with specific strategies to go by in building these sublists, this opening session is a rock-solid beginning to understanding how to build monthly income with sublists.

Audio Time: 17 Minutes, 49 seconds




Session 2: How to Develop a Sublist. In the second session of the presentation, different kinds of sublists are revealed, described and explained in detail. And it's not just "theory" -- these are proven profitable sublists and real case studies are examined to show the kinds of results being produced with them. You'll also hear some 2 dozen actual ideas you can begin using as they are described, or you can modify in many different ways to fit your own specific business.

Audio Time: 24 Minutes, 39 seconds




Session 3: How to Make Money With Sublists. The final session describes how to use these sublists for real profits. More than a presentation on the foundation and fundamentals of building sublists, you'll also discover how to actually make money with these small, but powerful lists. Three easy ways to use the lists that you build are explained, including 7 "keys" to success that all but guarantee you'll earn some serious profits with your own "tightly targeted" lists.

Audio Time: 14 Minutes, 17 seconds

As you can see, this is a unique look at email marketing. It's not a comprehensive course on email marketing -- that would take hours. 

Instead, it's a precision, tightly focused digital product that specializes in explaining how to create and profit from sublists.

I can guarantee this ... you haven't heard anything like this presentation before, unless you were one of the handful of folks who were invited to listen to the recording of this "member's only" session.

It's available for the first time here ... and you can download a copy within the next 5 minutes. Plus...

Order today and receive FREE master reprint rights to sell this product

While I reserve the right to end this special promotion anytime, if you order Sublist Secrets Revealed today, you'll also receive FREE master reprint rights. You'll receive a webpage and salesletter just like this one to load to your site, along with the right to sell this product from your site and keep every penny you make.

It's a free bonus that is yours when you order today.

So, when you order, you'll receive ...

  • 3 Audio Sessions in "Real Audio" format that can be downloaded and played from your computer. Listen in to the entire presentation!
  • A printable transcript of the presentation in eBook format so you can follow along, or read separately.
  • Master reprint rights that allow you to sell this product and keep every penny you earn, as well as authorize those who buy from you to do the same.

You Can't Lose With Our Guilt-Free NO Risk Guarantee...


his product shipped to you on a CD-ROM. As an Added Bonus you will receive a special link to download EVERYTHING!

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