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Do You Take Your Body for Granted?????


“Increase Your Power and Strength, Reduce Training Session Times, Maintain Fitness and Power, and Burn Calories with Combat Fitness”


You will change your body and get into the best shape of your life in less time than you could ever imagine.


New Bodies for old!


You wanna get fast results, YA GOTTA GO OLD SCHOOL!!!!

Sports scientist from other countries such as Bulgaria and Russia through many tests found that it is…



The total amount for the Combat Fitness: Exercises of the Iron men – Manual which includes over 60 exercises and 26 routine workouts for all levels is only $99. Not much to get this information that will change the way you look and feel.


This come in a 3 ring binder with 4 DVD's





ONLY through moving your body thru space during exercise that MAXIMUM RESULTS can be achieved!!!


And only thru this manner critical hormones are released that are largely responsible for growth.

These results validate what some of the strongest men who ever lived such as Siegmund Breitbart, Joe Bonomo and Charles Atlas knew all along.


When this information was implemented into their training, these countries began trouncing the world!!! Even the small country of Bulgaria became a force to recon with.




Dear Friends,


I started my martial arts training in the mid 70’s when Bruce Lee was the rage and the Kung-fu series was a hit T.V. show. Back then the training was hard and tough and the exercises were nearly impossible to do. Just surviving a class or test, was a show of strength. We had to do body exercises and static holds that would be considered abuse in today’s gyms.


Yet if you stuck with program, the drills paid off. The average black belt back then really did look more like Bruce Lee.


I can recall one of my first instructors demonstrating an exercise that was a feat of PURE STRENGTH (The Superman Pushup). I remember thinking I could NEVER BE ABLE TO DO THAT. Well….over the years I’ve come to master this drill, and have learned many others besides


And I’ve compiled them in this course for you, exercises that will bring about tremendous body conditioning and health. Movements that resemble the way animals move and using just your body against gravity to get remarkable results. And you can do them anywhere; you don’t need any expensive equipment.



“Hey, Grandmaster Brassard/Sir. I have your fitness books, along with Insanity and p90x, and I just wanted to let you know that I know notice most the exercises they do in Insanity and p90x I already through your combat fitness and building body power, so I want to thank you for making these products. And your workouts are the number one thing I use for my kempo/fit training and everything else is supplement to them.” -  

Nathan Mallow Rockford, Illinios




Just when I thought I could not be surprised any further, I was! The tips in this manual are fairly simple yet extremely effective. It shows how you can increase the intensity of any exercise to meet your routine, or just to fit with what kind of workout you are looking for on a given day(or night). I am confident that this manual with its accompanying DVDs is the only exercise program I will ever need!

Jim Rubel, MA.


 COMBAT FITNESS: Exercises of the Iron Man manual is broken into 3 sections. Upper and lower body, then the core. I’ve included a battery of over 60 exercises, SOME NEVER SEEN BEFORE.


Like the Rolling Horse, a Chi-Kung body and Breathing drill that will make your lower body stronger like you wouldn’t believe. It puts a heck of a Spin on the old Hindu-Squat.


I remember learning this at a seminar in the 80’s. The whole room couldn’t do it for more than 20 reps. and most of them were Black Belts in Karate.


Each drill has a Goal for you to achieve, and if you do…….your probably one of the strongest and most conditioned athletes in the world.


And the end of this manual I’ve designed over 20 Workout Routines for you to choose from. Some are quick ones, while the others can take up to an hour. You can decide!!


They will combine all body parts so you get a Complete and Effective Workout. You’ll also get a killer-cardio workout as you build the body of your dreams.


That’s two for the price of one: Full Strength and Cardio-Training all at once, not to mention stretching as well.



Some of these routines will just target one specific body area. Like….


Perform the Core-Killer Workout, and bullets will bounce off your midsection.


Try the Upper Body-Blast workout, and your need to buy much bigger shirts.


Complete the Lower Body-Blast workout, and your legs will look like tree trunks.



Hi Jim,

Just a note to provide some feedback on your combat fitness exercises and manuals,


In the 30 over years or so that I've been seriously weight lifting, (sets of six 600lb. rack pulls and 500 lb. squats) among other exercises, I've never experienced more dramatic results in terms of strength, size and muscle density increase than I have since focusing on your body movement through space exercises, at your suggested tempo. You have disciple.


Thanks again!

Jack Foley

Milton, Ma. Fire Department



 So… let me ask you a few questions ……?


  1. If someone tells you to HAUL ASS!!….do you need to make more than 2 trips?
  2. When you look down without bending….can you see your feet?
  3. Is the only thing stopping you from going to the gym…..the door?

 If you answer yes to any these, then you’ll…




And let me give you a hint on this………..It’s not just the old dieting or cardio remedy like you might have been told. These are Proven Facts, and I’m going to teach it to you in this course, on page 92.


You’ll be burning off fat, even while you sleep.


The information contained in this one page will change your thinking about fat loss…….and your body forever.


Just do the MARTIAL CIRCUIT – A or B in this manual on page 80, 3-4 times a week and your clothes will be falling off you in no time.


Good news for your girlfriend or boyfriend.


See what one of my students has to say………


Hey Jim,

Sorry I wasn't in class the other night but I've been going through a few trials lately. I do have a bone to pick with you though; my pants don't fit me anymore! Seriously, I've lost 2 inches on my waist and I now have muscles growing over my elbows. Your exercises do weird things to me. Doing Hindu pushups with my feet spread apart made me sore in the tops of my inner thigh. I didn't even know you could work those muscles! I'll see you thurs. night and keep up the good work.


Dave Wordell





The Iron Man Workout in this manual alone, Can Double your Strength in just a few weeks.


That’s right!!!  I’ve taken Master Key exercises from the manual and combined them into a short workout that will add to your strength in just a couple of weeks. Combined with a Special Rep/Set Series Method you will see big gains in your strength in virtually no time.


“And you cannot have Health without Strength or have Strength without Health.” – Joe Bonomo

In addition I’m also going to show you the way to create the COMBAT DECK, using the exercises in this manual. This workout is based on the Goal numbers set for each and every exercise and requires some minor math to set the 4 levels for you to work through. All you need is some index cards and a pen, and know how to shuffle: and I’ll show you the rest.


But if those reps are too hard for you

Then I’m going to show you how you can make….



 As an added bonus I will show you the secret method on how to design the numbers of all the exercises to fit Just for Your Body. With 4 different levels of intensity for you to work on. You can apply this method to any exercise; and it’s worth the price of this course alone.


I realize that some people will be strong in certain drills and weak in others. This is the way to find them, and train accordingly. And… it’s included with this course. All you need to do is SET the numbers which I teach you how to do in the manual. Write them down on index cards, follow my directions, and get started.


 Could I make it any easier for you?




 Would you like to look and feel more like BRUCE LEE than



You’ll also receive with this manual………...


These DVD’s will not only show you how to properly do most of the exercises,

But they will also teach you how to make these drills Even Harder than shown in the manual.

I show you a few simple tricks that can turn a 20 rep exercises into a 5 or 10 rep ones. All you have to do is keep repeating the process and you’ll keep challenging yourself forever.

And their broken down into the Upper, Lower and Core workout: each DVD has its own unique workouts to target that specific area of the body.

Workouts routines that are not found in the manual!!!!


 Then these drills and circuits will do just that!!!!!

 This Powerful program Features over 60 exercises and 27 workout routines. Most routines are mathematically designed to produce fast results, without getting bored while you workout. And others use Time Duration to gauge the workout in case you don’t feel like counting one day.


 Here are some of things you will learn from the Combat Fitness: Exercises of the Iron Man.


  1. Many exercises to hit all the body parts: You probably won’t get to all of them in a year.


  1. Your body will become its own gym: Think of how much you’ll save in gym memberships.


  1. Some Rarely Seen Chi-Kung drills: To stimulate health and muscle toning.


  1. Develop Strength, Endurance and Flexibility: These exercises to just that. ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!!


  1. Over 20 workouts: You might not even get to all of them in a year.


  1. The Secret of the Pyramid workout: How to use a number sequence to disguise repetition and perform high reps. You’ll reach well into the 100’s, yet never count more than 30.


  1. Workout Whenever: All you need is your body and the gravitational pull of the earth. That means you can workout more…which means a Faster and Newer you.


8.    The Iron Man workout: You’ll notice a BIG difference in your strength with this method within a few short sessions. By the way, it also can be applied to weight lifting too.


“Absolutely Incredible! Couldn't be happier! This is the real deal! AAA+++!!!”- S. Barnes TX.


There’s no doubt that this course will get you into

Incredible shape, FAST.


“The weakness of one muscle or vital organ may cause the wreck of a

Person’s entire life.” - Siegmund Breitbart


This info has took me years to learn, and develop of the past 30 years

And I’ll share it with you for……


Only $99


 That’s right for the cost of about one meal at a restaurant; you can change yourself with this information.


 Let me put it to you this way:

 If within a Month or less with this course…..


1. You’ve lost body Fat.

2. You’re about 2-3 times stronger as you are now.

3. Any back problems you might had are gone because of some of these drills.

4. You sleep better at night.

5. You have much more energy.

6. You eat much MORE and still don’t gain fat.

7. You have NO depression anymore.

8. You are tight like a drum.

9. Your waist line HAS DROPPED INCHES

10. Your significant other won’t keep their hands off you (If you know what I mean).


Wouldn’t that be worth the price???

 You’re darn right it would!!!!


So for only $99.00 you’ll get what took me over 30 years of training to learn. Set down in this manual.


The Combat Deck is my own invention to this course along with how to set the numbers. I’ve been teaching this for years and it never fails.


 In fact I had a marine who trained with me for the summer a few years back. Now he could bench press 380 lbs., so he kind of pooh-poohed my exercises in class since he thought weights were the only way to strength.


By the end of the summer, he pulled me over after class and told me in just the short time he trained with me; he had gotten about 5-10 % stronger in almost all his weight lifting. He was now benching 400 lbs. He told me the only thing that he was doing different was my classes and thanked me for teaching him these drills.


A year later we bumped into each other, he told me in ALL of Boston (where he was living then) he couldn’t find anyone who teaches the same exercises I do.


Back Problems?????


Hey Jim


Back in February I was in a snowmobile accident. I broke 3 ribs, bruised my lung and broke 3 bones in my back that are attached to the spinal cord. I was in ICU for a few days then ended up in bed for over 7 weeks healing. I was told that it would be at least a year before my body would be back to normal. I went to physical therapy for 6 weeks on the advice of my doctor. I found that it helped a bit, but I was still in pain and wasn't able to accomplish the jobs I usually did at work.


Finally, a friend of mine suggested I take your class. Thankfully I took his advice. I have found that my pain is less and less the more I am involved in your class. I am much more flexible, my muscles are stronger and my body is getting back to the way it was before my accident. I am able to go through the day and meet the physical expectations at my job along with my regular daily activity.


The strength training that you teach is different than any other that I have experienced. See you next week.


Jason West


Mr. Brassard,


I'm following up on the phone message that I just left on your answering machine thanking you for your Combat Fitness manual & DVD's that I recently acquired. I have been involved in JKD for quite awhile and also got started in bicycling about 8 months ago.  I am very much looking forward to integrating your material into my daily routine.  And, since I am 50 yrs old, I can use all the help and insight I can get.  Your wisdom & knowledge coupled with your obvious enthusiasm really enhances what you teach.  I am already subscriber to your email newsletters.

Thanks again and keep up the good work!

Steve F. Barnes

Abilene, TX



The total amount for the Combat Fitness: Exercises of the Iron men – Manual which includes over 60 exercises and 26 routine workouts for all levels is only $99. Not much to get this information that will change the way you look and feel.


This come in a 3 ring binder with 4 DVD's



 Buy Now!!! Your New Body is Calling!!!!


Thank you for Looking

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An email send to my list about this product…

The term "animal magnetism" isn't used as much as it used to be. Part of the reason is that people don't want to be compared to an animal.

In the Martial Arts, the wise practitioner studies the animals and learns to move like them, Tiger, Crane, Snake and so on….

Combative athletes realize that they can take their abilities to an entirely different plane by copying postures, movements breathing and fighting patterns as well!!!!

Take the cat for instance, first off it rests and sort of meditates most of the day. It will sit around staring straight ahead doing nothing.

There’s a lesson here…..if you take time to sit quietly and breath 10-15 minutes a day, you will be much better off. Your face will start to look different, and even your eyes will change with a sort of glow or sparkle.


If one imitates the way the cat stretches it’s entire body in one fell swoop, you will feel energy pour into your body and will perk you up.

If you imitate not just the cat but other animals your body will change including your nervous system. You’ll have more control of your emotions and will go through the day with a sense of calm and CONFIDENCE!!!

In summary, when you train your body with the exercises and movements of animals in the wild, your body will change and become more attractive.

This is one of the reasons why the exercises in Combat Fitness and Body Power are so effective. The Hindu-push up in itself mirrors the cat-like movement I just discussed. Practice this alone daily and you see a difference in the mirror Fast!!!!
Not to mention it will help decompress your spine as well.

Order one of my Combat fitness products today,

and make the change from human to animal strength and fitness!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Stay Strong


Jim Brassard

Honorary Doctorates of Martial Arts Philosophy & Martial Arts Science


P.S. And Ladies this course will build muscle in all the right place while vaporizing unwanted fat.


P.P.S. This auction is just for the manual 


“A wise man is Strong, yea and a man of knowledge increases Strength.”- Proverbs 24:5 King Solomon