Russia 1989     Russian Naval Commanders (2nd series)  6 value sheetlet featuring V A Kornilov, "Vladimer" (steam frigate) and "Pervaz-Bakhric" (Turkish steam frigate); V I Istomin and "Parizh"; G I Nevelskoi and "Baikal"; G I Butakov and Iron Clad squadron; A A Popov, "Pyotr Veliky" and "Vitze Admirial Popov"; S O Makarov, "Intibah" (Turkish warship) and "Veliky Khyaz Konstantin"   -   in superb u/m (mnh) condition - excellent country, nautical, ships, maritime, boats, military, navy, transport thematics. If you cannot see the topic/thematic you are searching for in my shop, please do not hesitate to request that I send up a selection of items to ebay which suit you better as I have huge stocks!

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