Epiphyllum angulier - Zig Zag Cactus - 25 Seeds

Epiphyllum angulier - Zig Zag Cactus - 25 Seeds

Epiphyllum angulier - Zig Zag Cactus

This listing is for a pack of 25 seeds.

An epiphtytic cactus from the jungles of Central and Southern Mexico (a population exists in India, but this will have been naturalised there as these are New World plants), Epiphyllum angulier is so called due to the angled stems - which give it two of its common names, Zig Zag and Fish Bone cactus.  Grown for this odd shape to its stems (they arent leaves, just flattened stems) and for its e
xquisite flowers, which are produced in the autumn and winter months.  The flowers are huge, yellow/white and scented.  They tend to open in evening and fade by midday the following day.  Night blooming, in habitat these are visited by moths and bats and are followed by large fruits containing seeds encased in an edible pith. The scent of the flowers is almost heady and the sight of a rapidly opening bud is one not to be forgotten.

Easy to germinate and grow on, full instructions can be found by going to my 'ME' page and following the links there.

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