Outstanding Estate Item – Signed Killer Whale Sterling Silver Buckle – by the Noted Tlingit Artist Odin Lonning*

Circa: 1980 - 2000

Condition: Very Good: There is some wear and light scratches: The item is much nicer in person than the flash photos

2 inches high x 3 1/8 inches long

Description: This is a dramatic and sturdy example of the art of Native American silversmithing. The item weighs around one ounce on my postal scale. I don’t have an accurate gram scale at this time.

This item was from San Francisco Bay Area estate.

*Odin Lonning   Born in Juneau in 1953, (Tlingit name Sh’now Taan) is an award-winning, professional Native artist from Juneau, Alaska. He is Woosh Ke Taan (Eagle/Shark) Clan through his Tlingit mother, and he shares the name of his Norwegian father.  At age ten, Odin was motivated to explore Tlingit art when he saw his first traditional dance performance. Local Native artists, culture centers, and museums in Southeast Alaska also inspired him. Seeking a deeper understanding of the culture essential to his artwork, Odin learned Tlingit dances and songs. New he dances with groups in Seattle and Alaska. Since 1982, Odin has devoted many hours to cultural education for Native students and the general public. Today he collaborates with his partner, Ann on Keet Shu-ka: An Indigenous Tribute to Killer Whales and other innovative programs blending First Nations culture, science, and art. In the mid-1970 the Juneau Centennial Committee, Juneau School District, Goldbelt Corporation, and Sealaska Corporation commissioned works by Odin for permanent display. In 1989, he attended the Institute of American Indian Art in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Since 1974, Odin has won multiple awards in art shows throughout the Western US. In 2000, Native Peoples magazine featured furniture designs he created for Northwest Native Designs. Since 2000, Odin has carved totem poles and house posts for clients in Chicago, Portland and Paris. In 2005, he completed a ten-foot Killer Whale and Thunderbird totem for Everett Community College, north of Seattle. In 2006, a seven-foot long carved, painted Killer Whale panel was dedicated at the Seattle Aquarium.

 Insurance is included in the USA and on International shipments when available.

Satisfaction is guaranteed.

This item is guaranteed to be authentic and in the condition described.


This auction is presented by Jerry Weisberg: Trading in tribal antiques since 1973.