Super-Buch: AIDS Between Science and Politics | Peter Piot | 9780231166263

AIDS Between Science and Politics | Peter Piot | 9780231166263

Art Nr.: 0231166265

ISBN 13: 9780231166263

ReleaseYear: 2015

Published by: Columbia Univers. Press

Cover: Buch

Cover Format: 236x161x30 mm

Pages: 198

Weight: 487 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Peter Piot

Additional text:" + pstrCovFormat + " 72

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Piot describes how the epidemic altered global attitudes toward sexuality, the character of the doctor-patient relationship, the influence of civil society in international relations, and traditional partisan divides. AIDS thrust health into national and international politics where, he argues, it rightly belongs. The global reaction to AIDS over the past decade is the positive result of this partnership, showing what can be acheved when science, politics, and policy converge on the ground. Yet it remains a fragile achievement, and Piot warns against complacency and the consequences of reduced investments. He refuses to accept a world in which high levels of HIV infection are the norm. Instead, he explains how to continue to reduce the incidence of the disease to minute levels through both prevention and treatment, until a vaccine is discovered.
Information of Author
Peter Piot is the director of the renowned London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and a professor of global health. He is a former Under Secretary General of the United Nations, the founding executive director of UNAIDS and former president of the International AIDS Society. He has published more than 500 scientific papers and articles, and sixteen books, including his memoirs, No Time To Lose: A Life in Pursuit of Deadly Viruses. Laurence Garey is an anatomist, former member the Court of Examiners, Royal College of Surgeons of England, and the Council of the Anatomical Society. He has translated works from French and German, including Jean-Didier Vincent and Pierre-Marie Lledo's The Custom-Made Brain: Cerebral Plasticity, Regeneration, and Enhancement, and others by Jean-Pierre Changeux, Michel Jouvet, and Michel Meulders.

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