Tagua Nut

One Whole Dried Organic Tagua Nut 2.5" Vegetable Netsuke

One tagua nut, dried and ready for carving 100% organic, not processed. Approximately 2.5"or larger.

Drill holes for pipes, carve a design on the outside. You can also slice and use for inlay work as a substitute for ivory. Can be dyed or try toasting to achieve natural shades of brown/cafe. Slices can be used to make pendants or other jewelry pieces. Also can polish these for a nice glossy finish.

Carve animals or other figurines from these. Make beautiful jewelry pieces, or use as a doorknob for cabinets for a natural look. Endless possibilities.

What is Tagua? Tagua is the seed of a palm tree that grows near the equator. The seeds are harvested without harming the environment, then dried. After several years of drying, the seeds are carved into many things, such as figurines, pendants, or used for inlay work when ivory is not available. Tagua was once used for buttons, before plastic was invented, because of its durability.

All of our items are fair trade, purchased at a fair and competitive market price. Whenever possible, our items are purchased directly from the artists that make them.

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